Robert PAPIN
Emeritus Professor
Hec - Entrepreneurs
Founder and Director of HEC Entrepreneurs for more than 25 years.
A former officer of commando parachutists and combat swimmers, Robert PAPIN went on to become Head of Studies at the IAE (Management School) in Montpellier, an associate university professor (specialised in Economics and Management), holder of a Doctorate in the Rule of Law, holder of a Masters of Advanced Studies in Economic Sciences from the CAAE Management School and a qualified chartered accountant.
In 1971 he was Visiting Research Professor at Stanford Business School in California, where he honed and perfected his innovative teaching style.
In 1973 he joined the HEC Group as a professor in strategy.
In 1978 he created HEC-Entrepreneurs, in order to train business leaders and future business leaders. This programme quickly gained an international reputation. It brings together hundreds of business professionals to train its students.
Today, over 50% of Robert Papin’s former students are presidents or director generals in their respective companies.
Harvard Business School has today opted for Robert Papin’s form of teaching through its Field programme, and President Putin, who Robert Papin met in 1994, has also chosen Mr. Papin’s methods for a business school in Moscow.
In 2004, Robert PAPIN retired from the HEC Group in order to help several schools and universities transform their curricula in order to train leaders and entrepreneurs. Notable beneficiaries of his services have been the University of Liege (Masters in Entrepreneurship), EDC (School for Business Leaders and Creators), the Normandy Management School, the Alès Mining School and La Sorbonne (Masters in Business Law for Companies in Difficulty).
Robert PAPIN has himself created and developed several companies and offered consultancy to several prominent business leaders in France and abroad.
He has also written numerous articles and best-selling business publications:
- Stratégie pour la Création d'Entreprise (création - reprise - développement). Dunod editions. This book has sold over 80,000 copies. Its 16th edition came out in January 2015.
- Le Directionnaire, which is also available in Italian, Spanish and Arabic (sold out).
- L'Art de Diriger (3rd edition, Dunod editions): Volume 1 : Management des hommes et Stratégie, Volume 2 : Gestion-Finance.
- Le Nouveau Manager (2nd edition released by Diateino in 2013).
- Former de vrais leaders – c’est encore possible (Dunod, 2015).
- Génération Business ou les clés pour agir (sold out).
- Création d’entreprise – Trouver les bonnes idées (Dunod, 2017).
- Création d’entreprise – De l’idée au business plan (Dunod, 2017).
Robert Papin is Honorary President of the International Foundation of Entrepreneurs.
He has been a legal expert at the Paris Court of Appeals, a board member for the National Body of Experts in Diagnostics and member of the supervisory committee for the company Radiall.
He is a Knight of the Legion of Honour, a Knight of the Order of Merit, an Officer of the Order of the Academic Palms and holder of a Servicemen cross.
Scientific articles
Direction et Gestion, March-April 1979, n° 2,
Direction et Gestion, 1979, n° 4,
Annales des Sciences Economiques Appliquées de l'Université de Louvain, 1979, n° 2,
Revue Personnel, december, 2 1978, n° 205,
Direction et Gestion, November-December 1978, n° 6,
Chapters in edited books
Working papers
Scientific articles
Direction et Gestion des Entreprises, 1982, n° 5,
Direction et Gestion des Entreprises, 1980, n° 6,
Direction et Gestion des Entreprises, 1980, n° 2,
Direction et Gestion, January-February 1979, n° 1,
Chapters in edited books
Working papers
Academic appointments
Academic Responsibilities at HEC
- 2017- Emeritus Professor HEC Paris
- 1971-2017 Professor HEC Paris
- 2000-2004 Directeur du Pôle "HEC Entrepreneurs & Start-Ups" HEC Paris
- 1994-2004 Scientific Director of the "Entrepreneurs" HEC Specialized Masters Program HEC Paris
Scientific Activities
Membership in Academic or Professional Organisation
- President de l'Association Nationale des Instituts de la Petite et Moyenne Entreprise, 1985
- Fondateur des Instituts de la Petite et Moyenne Entreprise, 1988
- Expert du BIT, 1988
- Membre de la Compagnie des Experts en Diagnostic
- Membre (a la demande du Ministre de l'Industrie) de la Commission de Regeneration du Tissu Industriel du Commissariat au Plan, 1982-1983
- Membre du Comite de Recherche de l'Association pour le Developpement des PME
- Membre de l'Association pour la Recherche Economique de Geneve
- Membre de l'Association Francaise d'Arbitrage
- Co-fondateur de l'Association Internationale d'Education et de Formation Entrepreneuriale
- Membre de la Commission sur l'Entrepreunariat du Secretaire General aux PME
- Membre de la Commission du Ministere de l'Industrie sur la creation d'activite et d'innovation technologique
- Membre (a titre d'expert etranger) de National Federation of Independant Business
- President de la Fondation Internationale des Entrepreneurs, 1986-1989
- Membre (a la demande du Ministre de l'Industrie) de la Commission Nationale de l'Industrie, 1984-1985
- Membre de la Commission des Douze Chefs d'Entreprise charges d'organiser les assises du CNPF, 1986
- Administrateur de la Chambre Nationale des Conseils et Experts Financiers
Editorial activities
Awards & honors
- 1985 Prix special de l'Association des anciens eleves d'HEC, et Prix IAE du Management pour l'ouvrage : Le Directionnaire, 1985, Dunod
- 1983 Prix IAE du Management pour l'ouvrage : Strategie pour la creation d'une entreprise, Dunod Entreprise, 1981