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Introduction from the President of the HEC Foundation

Help us to reach and even exceed our goal behind the Impact tomorrow fundraising campaign due to end in November! Out of 80,000 graduates, 5,200 have made a donation to this campaign.Imagine our collective impact if each of us invited 2 people in our network to donate!Olivier Sevillia (MBA.90)President of the HEC Foundation

2023 highlights

Fondation - ceremonie mba janv 23

In early January, the HEC Foundation held the traditional scholarship ceremony for the new MBA students freshly arrived on campus. What a pleasure to see the diverse range of profiles and backgrounds...

Fondation - vignette soirée imagine

The launch of HEC Imagine Fellows to support students from countries at war led to the creation of the student association HEC Imagine last September. The association organized its first conference in...


The 46th edition of the HEC Foundation Awards once again highlighted the cutting-edge excellence of the school’s research at all levels. 11 prizes in nine categories were awarded to academics and students...

Nexans signature - vignette pic

Nexans, a global group and key player in the energy transition, HEC Paris through its Society & Organizations Institute and the HEC Foundation have jointly launched the "Orchestrating sustainable business...

exposition steve fiehl

The HEC Stand Up program marked its 10th anniversary by inviting photographer Steve Fiehl (H88) to shoot a series of portraits of women whose passage at HEC helped them launch their entrepreneurial career...

Fondation-vignette hommage

Some HEC Paris community representatives recently paid tribute to the memory of Philippe Foriel-Destezet, Major Donor and Testator of the Foundation, by planting a tulip tree with a commemorative plaque...

HEC Paris debates at ChangeNOW 2023

HEC Paris was more present than ever in the annual ChangeNOW summit, organizing four sessions devoted to women entrepreneurs, transition and stability, impactful research and business for peace. The 2023...

High school students on HEC Paris Campus for Eloquentia@HEC public speaking contest

For its 5th year, the Eloquentia@HEC programme brought 77 high school students from all over France to the HEC campus from 10 to 16 July for its Summer Camp. It was a week of immersion, workshops on the...

Signature de la collaboration entre Mazars et Hec Paris

Extra-financial reporting, ESG indicators, extra-financial performance, responsible leadership: these are the themes of the new Mazars and HEC Paris "Purposeful Governance" Chair, supported by the Purpose...

In September, the Foundation invites scholarship students to participate in an award ceremony. It is a moment of pride for them, but also a moment of sharing and inspiration alongside donors who bear...


The Dean and General Director of HEC Paris, Eloïc Peyrache, visited Côte d'Ivoire in September. The visit, marked by several milestones, testifies to the school's active presence in a booming ecosystem...

HEC Paris continues its campaign to recruit world-class research professors with the arrival of 14 new academics to its faculty ranks. This maintains its long-term objective of becoming one of the world's...

This year, more than 450 donors, graduates, friends of HEC, corporate partners, students and employees gathered at the Salle Gaveau in Paris with Delphine Colson (H.94), Executive Director of the...

Des préparationnaires heureux d’être accompagnés par le programme PrepHEC

The PrepHEC 2023 pre-start seminar welcomed 64 preparatory students from 32 preparatory classes in the Paris region and elsewhere in France, for an intensive online summer training course for the...

Resignature Chaire BNP Paribas x HEC Paris en présence des parties prenantes

On Monday, January 29, 2024, BNP Paribas renewed its commitment to HEC Paris by signing up for a further three years to its teaching chair dedicated to corporate finance. Launched 12 years ago, now...

Fondation - citation Delphine RA22

Dear Alumni and friends of HEC Paris, patrons, volunteers and committee members, I wish to express our heartfelt gratitude for your generosity and commitment at our side. Thanks to your personal support, that of your company or foundation, HEC Paris’ projects continue to grow and flourish. You enable the School’s faculty to create and transmit knowledge which has a real impact on the world; your support helps us to make HEC accessible to the widest number and change more and more lives.Delphine Colson (H.94) Executive Director of the HEC Foundation


Since its foundation 143 years ago, HEC Paris has performed with passion and perseverance the public interest mission entrusted to it as a non-profit institution devoted to the production of knowledge, education and,more broadly, action for the common good. Developing talents and guiding them in their search for meaning; producing world-changing knowledge and transmitting it to the widest number; tirelessly innovating and acting to create the unicorns and virtuous businesses of the future, and lastly contributing to the common good by creating opportunities to climb the social ladder and empowering all talents. These are the four levers for impact that I am sure you wish to contribute to, by making a donation to the HEC Foundation!Eloïc Peyrache Dean of HEC Paris

Each in their own way & mobilisation

Since the launch of the campaign, the community’s commitment has intensified, and ties between the School and the HEC Alumni Association have been strengthened in a “One HEC” spirit. Discover here some examples of mobilization of donors committed to HEC Paris. A huge thanks to all of you for your efforts to help the School increase its positive impact on society.

Montage photo des speakers de "companionship for purposeful career"

Inaugurated in 2021 and supported by the Joly Family Chair on Purposeful Leadership , this atypical course offers a unique experience between an alumnus or an alumna and a student in the final year at HEC...


The second meeting of Alumni HEC@L'Oréal took place in mid-March. More than 60 HEC graduates working for L’Oréal came together for this convivial solidarity event, in the presence of Eloïc Peyrache, Dean...

HEC Paris UK House Opening

After two years of searching for the ideal place and nearly one year of renovation work, the HEC UK House officially opened on March 22 nd. Hundreds of alumni and many members of the school, the HEC...

Vignette - class gift 2023

More than 450 students from the HEC Paris Class of 2023 came together in the Hall of Honor on June 8, the eve of their Commencement Ceremony, for the Class Gift event. This was a joyful moment for the...

Last October, HEC’s iconic Blondeau Amphitheater was completely destroyed by a fire. The School has decided not to simply rebuild it, but to reinvent a bigger, better, more legendary auditorium, with the...

A message from the President of HEC Alumni

My greatest wish is that we continue strengthening our ties to further boost HEC’s impact and enable it to achieve its goal for the world. HEC has given us so much; let’s provide it with the means to perpetuate its values of excellence, curiosity, diversity, responsibility and entrepreneurial spirit.Adrien Couret (H.07)President, HEC Alumni Association

Breakdown of funds donated to HEC Paris' projects in 2023

18% on innovation, 45% on knowledge production, 36 on talent inclusion and 1% on campus
Fondation - student -grad


Thanks the generosity of our donors, the Foundation was able to fund €14.2 million in 2023 allocated to various programs.

See all the campaign projects

Your impact on knowledge Production


Pushing back the boundaries of knowledge, investing heavily in the production of fresh expertise, and training world-class researchers are at the heart of HEC Paris’ mission.
Our aim is also to make this research visible and accessible outside of the academic sphere, to help everyone to gain clearer understanding our world and to enlighten decisionmakers. HEC’s capacity for influence and impact draws increasingly on the support we receive from companies, foundations and donors.



Each year, the Foundation Prizes award the best research produced by  HEC Paris students and teachers. In 2023, the Foundation and School created a new “Faculty Impact” prize to honor a HEC Faculty member whose action, project, start-up, presentation, book or article will  have a major impact beyond the academic sphere.

For the first edition, Yann Algan, Professor of Economy and Associate Dean for Pre-experience Programs,for his  work on the role of trust in organizations and the benefits of acquiring social skills from the earliest age. The prize was officially handed  over during the ChangeNOW summit by Gilles Vermot-Desroches, Chief corporate Citizenship Officer at Schneider Electric and President of the jury.

In the context of declining public funds, the financing of infrastructures by capital investment professionals is fundamental in Europe and requires specialized yet flexible skills and expertise, to steer long-term, large-scale projects which are increasingly complex.

In order to support excellence academic teaching and practical training for high-level professionals, Antin Infrastructure Partners, a key player in this sector, has teamed up with HEC to create a Chair managed by Professor Oliver Gottschalg and to launch new certification for Master students.

Signatuyre renouvellement Chaire BNPLaunched 12 years ago and now renamed The Future of Finance, this chair, managed by finance professor Pascal Quiry (H.84) and renewed for 3 years, focuses on the major challenges, such as CSR and impact finance, facing the world of finance in the coming years.

Thanks to the involvement of Sofia Merlo (H.85), Alain Papiasse (E.89), Sophie Javary (H.80) and David Vaillant (H.98), this new phase will enable BNP Paribas to support research via the HEC Paris Center for Impact Finance, to enrich its academic interventions with the creation of an elective Ethics & Compliance course, and to continue fostering a strong link between the business and academic spheres. Read the article.

chaire-wordlineDeepening and disseminating knowledge on the challenges of this major sector of the economy, training the future talents it needs—these are the objectives of Worldline and HEC in creating a new Chair led by David Restrepo Amariles, Associate Professor of Law and Artificial Intelligence at HEC Paris.

This teaching and research chair will support the new The Future of Money and Digital Assets Center which is responsible for creating a network of key players, academics and experts from various fields around technical and payment issues. Circle, the company behind the stablecoin, a cryptocurrency indexed against the US dollar, has joined the Center, which hopes to recruit 3 more members. See the press release.

A key patron on its launch, Capgemini is renewing its support for the interdisciplinary Hi! PARIS Center, created by HEC Paris and Institut Polytechnique de Paris in september 2020.

This commitment aims to pursue the efforts initiated in research, education and innovation in AI and data science. Their renewed support will enable the creation of fresh opportunities and strengthen impact on businesses and society, thus helping to make Hi!PARIS a world-class reference in AI and data science for science, the economy and society.

The second Meet Up! Devoted to Frugal artificial Intelligence, hosted by Schneider Electric, provided an opportunity to discover the latest research in frugal AI and build a bridge between the academic and economic worlds. Florence d’Alché-Buc (Télécom Paris), Philippe Ciblat (Télécom Paris) and Michalis Vazirgiannis (École Polytechnique), three professors affiliated to Hi!PARIS, presented their research on the use of pre-trained algorithms and enhancing the design of optimization algorithms and artificial intelligence models. Four young PhD students also came along to discuss their thesis and share an informal moment to close the event.

Hi! PARIS organized an annual round table as part of UNESCO’s International Day of Women and Girls in Science.

Hosted by L’Oréal, the 2023 edition, entitled "Beyond Gender Balance: Enabling the Man-Woman Alchemy within Organizations", was inaugurated by Jean-Noël Barrot (H.07, D.12, Minister Delegate for Digital Technology). Five universities and business leaders came together for the event: Anne-Laure Sellier (H.95, HEC Paris), Hervé Borensztejn (Heidrick & Struggles), Nicolas Glady (Télécom Paris), Anouk Nawfal (L’Oréal) and Tania Castillo Pérez (KERING), who discussed male-female interaction in the framework of digital transformation and explored the challenges linked to gender equality in organizations.

Watch the replay :

Your impact on the inclusion of French talents


Revealing talents lies at the heart of HEC Paris’  mission of excellence. Changing destinies is a priority for the HEC Foundation. For 17 years, we have been fully committed thanks to donations and the groundwork carried out on the ground by the Equal Opportunity Task Force, mentor Alumni, our partners and the campus students. In a world of growing inequalities, we firmly believe in education as a powerful tool to social advancement. It is vital we continue acting to boost the impact of our programs. Thank you for your help in this mission!

finaliste-eloquentiaCreated 5 years ago by HEC and Eloquentia and supported by individual donors, the BRED bank and the Michelin Foundation, this program has become France’s largest national public speaking competition for high school students. Its aim is to transmit the art of debating to all French high school students, in addition to introducing the world of undergraduate schools to students otherwise excluded from this opportunity.

In 2023, more than 2,000 young people were initiated in the art of public speaking through the actions of HEC Paris, the Equal Opportunities Task Force and Eloquentia. 80 of them were chosen to take part in a workshop on the Jouy-en-Josas campus, some of them taking the train for the first time! The 6 best speakers then went on to debate 3 topics before a packed audience at La Cigale: “Should We Envy Fools?”, “Is the Individual at the Service of the Collective?” and “Is the Best Yet to Come?” At just 15 years of age, Fayma, a 10th grade student at Thiers high school in Marseille, came away with the 2023 title of Best High School Speaker! 
Our aim, with your help, is to scale up and reach some 10,000 young people throughout France, in addition to inviting 200 high school students to the campus every year!

SeancePrepmai2023From August 24 to 30, 63 students from 32 establishments were offered classes, workshops and tutorials during the PREP’HEC pre-entry seminar, helping them to start their course on the right foot.

At the begining of the 2023 academic year, the PREP’Etoile class had 33 scholarship students in the 2nd year of the preparatory course, selected for their HEC potential.

They were welcomed by Laurence Debroux (H.92), Major Donor and sponsor of the class of 2023/2024: "PREP’Etoile is fully in keeping with the equal opportunity initiatives led by the Foundation and the School, a cause I hold dear. No matter what our personal or professional situations are, each of us knows that meeting the right person, the right piece of advice, or the right encouragement to believe in ourselves and persevere can make a huge difference, and that’s what this program is all about. I’m delighted to be this year’s sponsor."

Seminars with HEC professors were also organized to help preparatory students learn more about the opportunities offered by business schools. Lastly, the “HEC For All” preparatory course scholarship scheme, open to all French high school students since 2019, has enabled 532 preparatory students from 127 schools to approach the competitive exam period in optimal conditions. These students are scholarship recipients from the CROUS, registered for the business schools entrance exams, and recommended by their institutions. 


HEC Junior Council donated €12,000 to the HEC Foundation, to cover costs for 88 scholarship students taking the oral exams on campus, and to fund the tuition fees for one student having passed the entrance exam. A huge thank you to them for their generous support!


class-giftThis major evening event, organized by Class Gift Association in the Hall of Honor just before the graduation ceremony, celebrates both the unique experience offered to HEC students and their entry into the Alumni and donors community.

Thanks to their generous support and that of the event’s sponsors, Major Donors Julie (H.96) and Karim Saddi (H.97), who made the trip from London to attend the evening, this collective donation will fund 15 scholarships for campus students.

« HEC has brought so much to our lives and careers, that we are delighted at present to be able to give some of that back. Our support for the Foundation thus enables students who otherwise lack the means to come study at HEC! » Karim and Julie Saddi.

A first give back gesture, which affirms the spirit of solidarity within the HEC community and perpetuates a wonderful HEC tradition initiated in 2005 by Marc Ramanantsoa (H.05), Michel Touati (H.05) and Jean Garandeau (H.05).

Your impact on the inclusion of international talents


In parallel with the programs initiated in France, HEC Paris continues to strengthen its commitment and affirm its ambition to encourage social mobility on an international scale.
The roll-out of equal opportunity schemes on an international level is ongoing, and the School is delighted to admit an ever-growing number of outstanding students to the HEC Imagine Fellows, PACT Afrique program and CMA CGM Excellence Fund for Lebanon. Excellence has no boundaries!


etudiants-imagineInitiated by Adrien Nussenbaum (H.01) in 2021, the program geared towards students from war-torn countries welcomed its second class at the start of the 2023 academic year.

At present, 12 students from Afghanistan, Ukraine, Belarus and Syria are following the Grande Ecole and Specialized Masters programs, thanks to grants covering all or part of their tuition fees and living expenses.

"I’m so grateful and would like to thank all those who made this program possible. Despite the challenges I have faced, I’m determined to change the world and put my knowledge to work for a more peaceful planet.Anna Bazarna (H.26) HEC Imagine Fellows, from Ukraine.

Launched in the wake of this program, the student association HEC Imagine strives to promote the program on campus and raise awareness among students and the HEC community of the role of business as a vector of world peace. 

In 2022/2023, HEC Paris launched two new elective classes on  “Business & Peace” and “Business & Human Rights”, which attracted great interest from the campus students.
These are impressive milestones for the program aimed at transforming the lives of 10 new students per year, who will in turn help us to build a more peaceful and sustainable world. Your support is essential to boost our impact!
The graduation ceremony for the first HEC Imagine Fellows on June 7, 2024 promises to be a highlight event!


laidlawWith the support of the Laidlaw Foundation, the HEC Foundation launched an ambitious scholarship scheme enabling talented women to enroll in one of the world’s best MBA programs, here at HEC; a first step to boost their career and unleashing their full potential!

Each year, ten candidates with exceptional paths but facing financial hurdles will be selected to receive a scholarship covering all their tuition fees. They will then benefit from mentorship and dedicated networking opportunities to build their contacts and excel as business leaders.

To apply:  
Liesbet Corriveau :  

ceremonie-bourses-mbaFor several years now, the Foundation has officially welcomed MBA, Master and Doctoral students to the campus. These excellence scholarship students come from all over the world to study at HEC.

The welcome event offers them a chance to meet with HEC members, who share their own experiences and their pride at belonging to the HEC community. We were honored to welcome Christophe Cuvillier (H.84), Sophie (H.85) and Olivier Wigniolle (H.85). Erwann Le Lannou, from XTX Markets, was also present to hand over the first excellence scholarships to 17 students on the Data Science for Business program. Thank you so much for these moments of celebration, conviviality and pride for all the beneficiaries!

reunion-PACTThe aim of PACT Afrique is to help young African talents from the most renowned institutions in the Ivory Coast, Cameroon and Gabon to prepare for the written and oral entrance exams to the 2nd year of the Grande Ecole program. This equal opportunity scheme is run by the HEC Office in the Ivory Coast.

Thanks to the commitment of donors and corporate partners such as Schneider Electric, as well as Alumni mentors, the scheme enabled 22 new students to join the campus in September 2023, and has been presented to some 1,500 young people locally in 4 years.

To promote the program, its initiator Bertrand Schwab (H.87) traveled with Eloïc Peyrache to the Ivory Coast and met with 202 students at the INP-HB in Yamoussoukro. The aim is to increase the number of African students on campus by 15% by 2025.

« As a beneficiary of the first PACT Africa class, I’d like to express my sincere thanks to the donors for the trust they placed in us! The Foundation scholarship was truly the start of this adventure. I received invaluable help during the recruitment process and continued support during my time at HEC. Thank you for your generosity and trust. »
Marie Alexandra (H.23), from Benin

Your impact on innovation & entrepreneurship


In 4 years, the Entrepreneurship & Innovation Center has truly scaled up to become an Institute serving 3 research areas: Incubation & Acceleration, Social Entrepreneurship and Deep Tech Innovation.  
This growth marks HEC’s strong commitment on all levels, in the aim of transforming our incredibly diverse, inclusive and committed community of HEC innovators and entrepreneurs into a powerful ecosystem with a tangible impact on society and the economy. We’ve come a long way thanks to our patrons, individuals, foundations and corporations. Huge thanks to you all!


signature-xtxMarketsWith the aim of developing deep tech training programs, XTX Markets, the leading algorithmic trading company, teamed up with HEC to create a new stream on Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence within the Creative Destruction Lab (CDL-Paris), the innovative program combining excellence, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit.  

A partnership with University of Oxford - Saïd Business School was also set up with the support of XTX Markets, to unite start-up communities and develop international collaborations.

Schneider Electric will provide its expertise to the Deep Tech start-ups supported by this program, enabling the company to collaborate with students, mentors, entrepreneurs, scientists and academics and facilitate the emergence of solutions to climate change.

Read the press release


expo-HECStandUpAs part of the 10th anniversary celebrations of the HEC Stand Up program, a series of women’s portraits by the photographer and donor Steve Fiehl (H.88), was exhibited on campus.

What do all these women have in common? Their time at HEC, which helped them to launch their entrepreneurial career!
Steve Fiehl’s 16 superb photos illustrating these women’s doubts, dreams, courage and resilience were unveiled in the Hall of Honor in early May.

« Dear donors, your support has had a significant impact on the missions and initiatives of HEC Stand Up, thus boosting the commitments and determination of participants to succeed in this program and do their utmost to achieve their entrepreneurial goals. For my part, this training played a key role in revealing my skills and served as a genuine preincubator for our start-up. In less than 2 months, we began to generate income. »
Fatoumata Kebe, participant on the program in 2022 and co-founder of Beauté INÉE


pitch-launchpadAs a Major Donor and Legacy Benefactor of the Foundation, Philippe Foriel-Destezet (H.58) made a generous bequest, which the Foundation, in agreement with his family and the School, decided to dedicate in part to the development of the HEC Startup Launchpad program, a value that Philippe embodied so well.

Out of the projects supported, 40% were launched after the program with an exceptional survival rate of 70% at three years. Consolidating the academic and operational team in the long-term was a priority for the School, which this major donation has helped to achieve. For the first time, all the students were given the opportunity to test their pitch in English before a panel of capital risk firms and business developers in London.  
A milestone moment for the future generation of HEC entrepreneurs!
Read the article

Each year, thanks to the generosity of Pascal Cagni (MBA.86), 3 students from NYU get a unique opportunity to spend a trimester in Paris and discover HEC’s entrepreneurial ecosystem by working alongside students on a business creation project within the Launchpad and the Incubator. This memorable experience has a major impact on these young people’s lives and career hopes.

Our thanks to Pascal for this support which helps to position HEC as a leading venue for innovation and entrepreneurship in Europe.

« I’m very proud to have participated in this program which helped me to launch my first start-up within Launchpad and the Incubator. This unique experience took me out of my comfort zone. I learned to design and implement solutions adapted specifically to social impact, an area I would like to devote my energy to in the future.»

Dimitri Pun, recipient of a Cagni Foundation scholarship


nexansNexans, HEC Paris and the Foundation launched the Chair to be directed by Sebastian Becker, Associate Professor to the Accounting & Auditing Department, in the aim of guiding companies towards more sustainability.

It also plans to draft a case study on the transformation path of Nexans, involve representatives in a HEC certificate in sustainability and climate change, and participate in events organized by the S&O Institute.

« It’s a real honor for me to work alongsideNexans and form ties between HEC, the program's participants and Nexans. This collaboration will benefit from teaching and research in the managerial issues of financial, environmental and social performance steering. » Sebastian Becker, Professor and holder of the Nexans Chair

Read the article

Your impact on common contribution to common good


The overhaul of the Grande Ecole syllabus for the 2023/2024 academic year places special emphasis on the themes of environmental transition, citizen engagement and contribution to major societal issues, thus reiterating HEC Paris’ commitment to these key areas. Thanks to patrons’ generosity, several chairs were launched to support the production of new knowledge and shoulder Sustainability & Organizations Institute's (S&O) actions.


20ansSASIIn 2003, HEC Paris created France’s first Master in Sustainable Development and Social Innovation. 300 of the program’s alumni reunited on campus to celebrate the 20th anniversary in the presence of Bénédicte Faivre-Tavignot (H.88),Co-Founder of the S&O Institute and Executive Director of the Inclusive Economy Center at HEC Paris. Read the article.

The event was an opportunity for Jérémy Ghez to hand over the academic management of the program to Professor François Gemenne, IPCC expert and newly hired by HEC Paris.

In response to exceptional demand on the part of students and businesses, the Master took in 100 students in 2023/2024.

Co-founded by HEC Paris and Schneider Electric in early 2023, the Impact Company Lab is a leading experimentation platform focused on concretely growing Companies’ ability to drive a just transition in a rapidly changing world. Run by Professor Marieke Huysentruyt from HEC's Inclusive Economy Center (S&O), the Impact Company Lab delivers value at 3 levels:

  • redefines & Convenes Impact Leadership: build a global community of global  Frontier Impact Companies & Frontier Leaders,  harness their experiences, their specific drivers & their collective transformation power to narrow gaps between impact intentions and results (where it matters most)
  • applies future-focused & bold thinking to universal business impact related challenges: identify new perspectives and drive paradigm shifts (harness thinking & potential change opportunities in a horizon 2050 and focus on the megacities of the world which is where a just transition will be most)
  • design, experiment & scientifically assess impact initiatives with the potential to drive systemic progress: creating a body of compelling evidence for the leaders of  today and of tomorrow.

This initiative consolidates the School’s position on ESG issues, an area in which HEC has been actively involved for more than 15 years.


purpose dayIn March 2023, the Sustainability & Organizations Institute organized the first edition of Purpose Day at the Philanthro-Lab in Paris, attracting around a hundred participants.

The event offered an opportunity to discover the research carried out by 4 PhD students, and to measure the impact of the Purpose Center’s activities thanks to Professor Rodolphe Durand (H.93 – D.97), holder of the Joly Family Chair in Purposeful Leadership created in 2018.

Another highlight of this edition was the talk by Denis Machuel, CEO of Adecco group, on the importance of offering authentic purpose and how this can serve as a compass for businesses.


signature-mazarsHEC Paris, the Foundation and Mazars launched a corporate Chair in early September devoted to enlightened leadership in the field of governance, consulting and multi-capital accounting.

The chair’s 3-year research period on ESG reporting will be managed by Professor Luc Paugam and will include a case study on key performance indicators as well as extra-financial reporting frameworks. Mazars will be involved at various academic levels and will take part in the future certificate, which aims to revisit company management from the perspective of 'conscious management'.

Read the article



Your impact on the new auditorium


HEC’s emblematic Amphi Blondeau was destroyed by fire in early October. 
This symbol of the HEC spirit marked the lives of whole generations with countless memories of new school years, association seminars, student shows, invaluable friendships, and inspiring and unforgettable encounters. 

To forge the link between its legacy and its future, the School has decided not to rebuild, but to redesign a bigger, more beautiful and equally emblematic auditorium.  

After an outpouring of supportive messages, Jean-Paul Agon (H.78) and Olivier Sevillia (MBA.90) called on the generosity of the HEC community during the Foundation’s Annual Gathering. Take part in this new project to enable future generations of students experience memorable moments in an even more iconic venue! Make a donation


campusTwo ways to participate:

  • Name a seat in the future Amphi (individually, as a couple, or in memory of a loved one, etc.)
  • Contribute to a group donation (creation of a dedicated fundraising page per class)

The rankings of the most generous classes will be displayed in the new auditorium; any class managing to rally 30 donors and raise more than €30,000 will have a seat in their name.

A dedicated platform has been set up to enable everyone to donate on their level (eligible for tax rebates- see the details opposite); all individual donations will be added to your class total. 
Anyone, as an individual or a group, can add their name to the future auditorium and help reach the target of €2m!

Make a donation

By late 2023 :

  • 400 donors including 1/3 new contributors
  • €1,2M raised towards a goal of €2M
  • 15 classes called to action
  • 65 sears reserved

If you would like to contribute to the project, please contact:

  • Hélène Gronier,
    Development Manager, HEC Foundation
    01 39 67 98 84

« This is a wonderful opportunity o demonstrate the power of our community and its solidarity towards future generations of students, by bringing strong momentum to this emblematic project. A huge thanks to all of you who have already contributed to this collective drive.  »




If you would like to rally a group, please contact:

« Well done to the class delegates for the energy they put into rallying their classmates around this initiative. We hope that many of you will seize the opportunity to make this a truly collective success. Let’s continue our efforts to reach our target! »


HEC Paris, via its Corporate & Public Partnerships and career Center teams maintains a tradition of cooperation with the business world, reflected in annual memberships, funding for teaching and research chairs, and support provided for collaboratively defined projects.

Learn more about corporate partners

A valuable support

These major transformational donations are used to fund large-scale projects, infrastructure or endowments that create a considerable impact on the development and influence of HEC Paris.

The worlds of teaching, research and business come together in our Corporate Initiatives and Research Chairs. For the School, these programs are a means to promote research and student training in previously identified fields. They are designed to provide companies with resources to respond to their strategic challenges and boost their innovation capacity.

Creating a Corporate Initiative or Research Chair in your name is a unique opportunity to stand out from your competitors on major strategic issues and to be a pioneer with a vision!

chaires & corporate initiatives 2023


Each of our Centers and Institutes is based on a three-pronged approach: research, teaching and action, and focuses on a major cross-disciplinary theme through extensive interaction with students and leading academic and business players.





HEC Paris and Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) created Hi! PARIS, an interdisciplinary and inter-institutional center that combines research, education and innovation to address the key challenges of digital transformation and its impact on business and society.

The Entrepreneurship & Innovation Institute contributes to boosting the renown of HEC Paris in innovation and entrepreneurship. It supports innovators and entrepreneurs who receive training via one of the 20 programs.

An interdisciplinary institute focused on 3 main aspects: Purpose, Inclusive Economy and Climate & Earth. Its members study and teach the present-day challenges facing organizations and how the latter influence society.
The aim of Sustainability & Organizations (S&O) Institute is to reinvent the business world by promoting sustainability and freeing human potential through several key aspects including the Purpose Center, the Inclusive Economy Center, the Climate & Earth Center and the Impact Company Lab.

Stemming from the belief that finance can help resolve the economic, technological, climate and social issues of today and tomorrow, this Center was launched in 2023 thanks to the commitment of Rothschild &Co, followed later by BNP Paribas and Accuracy, whose support is fully devoted to this center.

Fondation - fond campus

News of Sheltered Foundations & scholarships Funds

By creating a scholarship fund or a sheltered foundation under the aegis of HEC Foundation, patrons make an outstanding philanthropic gesture, with a high short-term impact on projects led by the Foundation and an invaluable long-term effect.

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Do you have a question? Do not hesitate to contact us!

Jean-François Baumann
Senior Manager International Development
Hélène Gronier
Development Manager - Annual Fund
Sofia Flores-Barrios
Business Projects & Corporate Manager