Women in Finance
HEC Paris organise le 1er mars 2018, en partenariat avec la Société Générale, le premier événement dédié aux femmes dans la finance. Lors de deux tables rondes, des cadres de différents établissements financiers témoigneront de leur carrière dans la finance. Ces conférences seront suivies d'un cocktail de networking.
The event is not only a great opportunity to talk to senior and junior professionals across different positions in finance, but you will learn more about being a woman in the industry. Both senior and junior panels are made of HEC Women Alumni in M&A, Corporate Finance, Asset Management and Sales & Trading (more details to come). Some have changed their career paths while others have stayed ...
Come and discover why they were motivated to pursue a career in finance in the first place and what made them make certain career decisions in the industry!
Senior panel:Junior panel:
Live @HECParis #HECdiversity
- Sophie Javary - Head of Corporate Finance EMEA (BNP)
- Delphine Mourot - Executive Director, Fixed Income (Morgan Stanley)
- Nathalie Pistre - Deputy CIO Rates (Natixis Asset Management)
- Alice Todorov - Consultant Private Equity (Egon Zehnder)
- Florence Vasilescu - CEO (Firmfunding)
- Elodie Jeuffroy - Principal (Apollo Global Management)
- Lucero Cabrera - Financial Markets Specialist (Derivatives Structurer) & MBA Candidate at HEC
- Alona Domnina - Vice President, Equity Capital Markets (Societe Generale)
- Horaires : 16h45
- Lieu : Campus d'HEC Paris, salle T33
- Contact : Ferdinand Petra, Professeur affilié, département Finance
- Email : petra@hec.fr