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Professeur Emérite

Management et Ressources Humaines

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Michael SEGALLA is Professor Emeritus of Management at HEC Paris. He is Franco-American, earned a Master of Political Science and International Relations and a Ph.D. in Organizational Studies and Labor Relations (University of Iowa). Over the years he lectured on topics such as Data Privacy, AI Ethics, Management, Human Resources, Organizational Behaviour, and Cross Cultural Risk at faculties including McGill University in Montreal, City University of New York in New York City, the City University of New York - Cornell University Master of Science in Industrial Relations, and Hangzhou Dianzi University. The Franco-American Commission for Education Exchange awarded him an Inter-foundation Grant to lecture on business school curriculum reform. From 2016 to 2017 he was a visiting professor in the Faculties of Management and Medicine at McGill University. From 2017 to 2019 he was Visiting Chair Professor in the School of Automation, Hangzhou Dianzi University in Hangzhou, China. He mentors Founders/CEOs for NewChip Accelerator and is a Partner at the International Board Foundation. He is HEC Paris's most frequent contributor to Harvard Business Review and its international editions.

Articles scientifiques

How do firms value sales career paths?

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2024, vol. 52, pp 762-788, (in coll. with A. KESHAVARZA, D. ROUZIES, F. KRAMARZ, B. QUELIN)

The Ethics of Managing People’s Data

Harvard Business Review, juillet-août 2023, vol. 101, n° 4, pp 86-94, (in coll. with D. ROUZIES)

Is Work an Act of Worship? The Impact of Implicit Religious Beliefs on Work Ethic in Secular vs Religious Cultures

Journal of Business Ethics, décembre 2023, vol. 188, n° 3, pp 509-531, (in coll. with S. TAGHAVI)

International Perspectives on Employee Engagement: Are American Firms Leading the Way or Walking Alone?

International Studies of Management and Organization, printemps 2019, vol. 49, n° 1, pp 1-6, (in coll. with Angelo DENISI)

Is extra legroom worth fighting for ?

Harvard Business Review, novembre 2014, vol. 92, n° 11, pp 30, (in coll. with C. CIOBANU, V. LEBUNTEL, D. ROUZIES)

Sales-Marketing Interface in Saudi Arabia: A Commentary

Journal of Business Research, septembre 2012, vol. 65, n° 9, pp 1298-1300, (in coll. with D. ROUZIES)

Wer die wahre Macht hat

Harvard Business Manager, 2010, n° 201008014,

Faith in Firms - As Low As You'd Expect

Harvard Business Review, janvier-février 2010, pp 22-23,

Why Mumbai at 1 pm is the Center of the Business World

Harvard Business Review, octobre 2010, pp 38-39,

Find the Real Power in Your Organization

Harvard Business Review, mai-juin 2010, pp 800-801,


International Perspectives on Employee Engagement

Routledge, New York

Organizational Behaviour and Change in Europe: Case Studies

SAGE Publications (in coll. with F. CHEVALIER )

Chapitres d'ouvrages

International Perspectives on Employee Engagement: Are American Firms Leading the Way or Walking Alone?

International Perspectives On Employee Engagement, Michael Segalla, Routledge, New York, 1

Introduction: COVID KPIs: Will the pandemic also kill the annual bonus for executives and managers in 2020?

International Perspectives On Employee Engagement, Michael Segalla, Routledge, New York

Socialisme capitaliste : la création d'une concurrence sociale efficace in France

Encyclopédie Des Ressources Humaines, J. Allouche (Ed.), Vuibert, 1321-1326

Evaluation commerciale : les défis européens

L'Art Du Management, Leadership, Performance, Développement Durable, B. Ramanantsoa (ed.), Pearson Education France

E-Mails : le comportement des managers européens

L'Art Du Management 3, Dunod, 458-462

Le savoir tacite dans un contexte culturel

L'Art Du Management 3, Dunod, 421-426

Eine vergleichende Studie von Personalentscheidungen im Banksektor

Kulturelle Unterschiede Der Gerechtigkeitswahrnehmung Europäischer Manager, Gabriele Jacobs, Lit Verlag, Münster, Hamburg, London, 7-16

L'européanisation des forces de vente

L'Art Du Marketing, M. Dickson, Village Mondial, Financial Times, Les Echos, 178-180

National Cultures, International Business

Mastering Global Business, M. Dickson, The Financial Times - FT Pitman Publishing, 186-191

Crédit Lyonnais : The Internationalisation of a French Bank

European Cases Of Organisational Behaviour And Change, F. Chevalier, M. Segalla (Eds), SAGE Publications

Actes de conférence

A Cross-National Investigation Of Incentive Sales Compensation

22nd Workshop On Strategic Human Resource Management , 2007 , Bruxelles (D. ROUZIES, D. Rouziès, M. Besson, B. Weitz)

The power of the situation

Methodological considerations for cross-cultural management research. IACCM Conference Rotterdam "Cross cultural Life of Social Values , 2007 , Rotterdam (G. Jacobs, F. Bellschak)

An International Study of Dysfunctional Email Usage Attitudes Among Managers

21st Workshop On Strategic Human Resource Management, Aston School of Business , 2006 , Manchester

Tacit Knowledge in a Cross Cultural Context

19th Workshop On Strategic Human Resource Management, HEC Paris , 2004 , Jouy-en-Josas

Cahiers de recherche

The Impact of Cultural Dimensions on Sales Force Compensation

Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 1999

Euro: the Move to a Global Europe

Mimeo , 1997

How Alcatel focused, Delivered, and Succeeded in the Global Telecommunications Market

Mimeo , 1997

Les conditions de vie et de travail des expatriés étrangers en France dans le secteur bancaire

Mimeo , 1993

Rules changes and arbitrator training for complex commercial arbitration: the search for solutions

Working Paper Series, Social Science Research Network , 1991

The linkage between managerial attitudes and human resource management in the Soviet Union

Working Paper Series, Social Science Research Network , 1991

The equal protection clause: a critique and test of Western's premise

Working Paper Series, Social Science Research Network , 1984

Articles scientifiques

How do firms value sales career paths?

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2024, vol. 52, pp 762-788, (in coll. with A. KESHAVARZA, D. ROUZIES, F. KRAMARZ, B. QUELIN)

Is Work an Act of Worship? The Impact of Implicit Religious Beliefs on Work Ethic in Secular vs Religious Cultures

Journal of Business Ethics, décembre 2023, vol. 188, n° 3, pp 509-531, (in coll. with S. TAGHAVI)

The Ethics of Managing People’s Data

Harvard Business Review, juillet-août 2023, vol. 101, n° 4, pp 86-94, (in coll. with D. ROUZIES)

International Perspectives on Employee Engagement: Are American Firms Leading the Way or Walking Alone?

International Studies of Management and Organization, printemps 2019, vol. 49, n° 1, pp 1-6, (in coll. with Angelo DENISI)


International Perspectives on Employee Engagement

Routledge, New York

Organizational Behaviour and Change in Europe: Case Studies

SAGE Publications (in coll. with F. CHEVALIER )

Chapitres d'ouvrages

International Perspectives on Employee Engagement: Are American Firms Leading the Way or Walking Alone?

International Perspectives On Employee Engagement, Michael Segalla, Routledge, New York, 1

Introduction: COVID KPIs: Will the pandemic also kill the annual bonus for executives and managers in 2020?

International Perspectives On Employee Engagement, Michael Segalla, Routledge, New York

Socialisme capitaliste : la création d'une concurrence sociale efficace in France

Encyclopédie Des Ressources Humaines, J. Allouche (Ed.), Vuibert, 1321-1326

Evaluation commerciale : les défis européens

L'Art Du Management, Leadership, Performance, Développement Durable, B. Ramanantsoa (ed.), Pearson Education France

Actes de conférence

A Cross-National Investigation Of Incentive Sales Compensation

22nd Workshop On Strategic Human Resource Management , 2007 , Bruxelles (D. ROUZIES, D. Rouziès, M. Besson, B. Weitz)

The power of the situation

Methodological considerations for cross-cultural management research. IACCM Conference Rotterdam "Cross cultural Life of Social Values , 2007 , Rotterdam (G. Jacobs, F. Bellschak)

An International Study of Dysfunctional Email Usage Attitudes Among Managers

21st Workshop On Strategic Human Resource Management, Aston School of Business , 2006 , Manchester

Tacit Knowledge in a Cross Cultural Context

19th Workshop On Strategic Human Resource Management, HEC Paris , 2004 , Jouy-en-Josas

Cahiers de recherche

The Impact of Cultural Dimensions on Sales Force Compensation

Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 1999

Euro: the Move to a Global Europe

Mimeo , 1997

How Alcatel focused, Delivered, and Succeeded in the Global Telecommunications Market

Mimeo , 1997

Les conditions de vie et de travail des expatriés étrangers en France dans le secteur bancaire

Mimeo , 1993


  • Ph.D. in Business Administration, University of Iowa - Etats-Unis

Nominations académiques

Responsabilités académiques à HEC

  • 2021- Professeur Emérite HEC Paris
  • 2020-2021 Membre du GREGHEC, le laboratoire de recherche CNRS-HEC Paris HEC Paris
  • 2012-2021 Membre du HEC Center for Research on Individuals and Organizations HEC Paris
  • 2009-2021 Professeur HEC Paris
  • 2016-2016 Coordinateur de département, Management et Ressources Humaines HEC Paris
  • 1992-2009 Professeur Associé HEC Paris
  • 2005-2008 Coordinateur du département Management et Ressources Humaines HEC Paris

Responsabilités académiques externes

  • 2017-2020 Autre Hangzhou Dianzi University
  • 1998-1999 Professeur visitant University of Florida
  • 1989-1993 Professeur Assistant City University of New York
  • 1986-1988 Professeur visitant McGill University, Faculty of Management
  • 1985-1985 Visiting Scholar International labour Office, United Nations

Activités scientifiques

Adhésion à l'organisation académique ou professionnelle

  • Elected to the Board of Directors of the Fondation Maréchal Foch
  • Membre d'EGOS
  • Co-ordinator of the CEMS Organisational Behaviour Inter-Faculty Group (1994-1997, 2002-Present)
  • Membre de l'Academy of International Business

Activités scientifiques

  • juin 2011- Scientific Committee Member: Human Resources Global Management Conference, Barcelone
  • 2009- Hilb, Martin, Daniel Ondrack, and Michael Segalla (editors) 'Strategic Human Resource Management with European Perspectives'. European Journal of International Management. Vol. 3, n°. 4
  • septembre 2008 Scientific Advisor - 2008 European Attractiveness Scoreboard, Paris - Berlin
  • mars 2007 Scientific Advisor - 2007 European Attractiveness Scoreboard, Paris - Berlin
  • 2007- Rapporteur, National Science Foundation, innovation & Organizational Change Program
  • 2003- Editorial Review Board Member, Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS)
  • 2001-2004 Editorial Advisor Board Member, European Management Journal
  • 2001 Guest editor : "Management Focus: Cultures and Employee Policies", European Management Journal, vol. 19, n° 1
  • Editorial Board Member, European Journal of International Management
  • Editorial Board Member, Journal of Management and Governance
  • Rédacteur en Chef Invité, numéro spécial du Journal of Managerial Psychology (papers from a Special Symposium at the 1997 Academy of Management Meetings), vol. 13, n° 3/4, 1998

  • Conference organisation

  • 2014-2014 Workshop LABEX ECODEC
  • 2005-2005 Member of the Organising Committee folr the 8th Conference on Internationa Human Resource Management, Monash University, Cairns, Australia
  • 1998-1998 Organisateur d'un symposium, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, San Diego
  • 1998-1998 Co-organisateur, European Group and Organizational Studies Colloquium, Maastricht University
  • 1997-1997 Organisateur d'un symposium et d'un workshop, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston
  • Co-organisateur du Workshop on Strategic Human Resource Management, EIASM - 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
  • Prix ​​& honneurs

    • 2012 2012 HR Honour Award, Luxembourg. HR ONE
    • 2012 HEC Paris "Top Ten" Award for research productivity
    • 2001 AESC Europe Annual Award for the best 2000 European published research on leadership and corporate governance - "Making cross-cultural research relevant to European corporate integration", European Management Journal