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A World of Job Opportunities: HEC Career Center Update

With peak travel season upon us the hustle and bustle is here, and the HEC Career Center is no exception. While students are entering their summer internships and newly secured roles, or just learning un peu de francais, the team is hitting the road prior to fall events, and bringing back the kind of souvenirs every business school wants to receive... 

Job listings, stand-alone presentations, and stronger recruitment relationships...oh my!

HEC Career Center representatives (Order left to right: Alicia Tossutto, Kristin Young, Tony Somers, Rachel Cooper and Mouna Habaieb).


Since April, HEC Career Center representatives have visited 10+ cities in 6 countries, connecting with more than 80+ companies across various sectors and specializations. These employer pitstops represent, quite literally, a world of opportunity for HEC to further establish both existing and newly developed company recruitment relationships.  

In addition to the company visits, the team has secured a total of 120+ on-campus recruitment activities to date.  

After a string of successful (and ongoing) student treks, alumni mixers, company visits and conferences, HEC Paris is on a continuous international mission to further engage employers while taking student interests, market demand and established partnerships into account.  

Tony Somers, Director of Employer Engagement and Events comments:  

“What we do is quite an exciting mix of company visits, career fairs, club connections, treks and sometimes just one-off conversations that constitute what we refer to as Employer Engagement. It is not just about sending emails and lining up company recruitment consultations, it is also about getting out in the field and shaking hands. We are in the business of creating relationships that last and relationships that favor enduring recruitment across all HEC programs.” 

In terms of travel, Kristin Young who serves as HEC Employer Engagement Manager recently traveled to the Middle East on a mission in June to increase the depth and breadth of employment opportunities for HEC students. While there, Young visited Dubai, Riyadh and Doha, connecting with historic recruiters to reestablish in-person relationships post-COVID as well as prospecting new recruiters with top potential in the region- a total of 13 company visits (Kearney, L’Oreal, BCG, Saudi PIF (Public Investment Fund), etc.).   


HEC Employer Engagement Manager Kristin Young represents HEC Career Center on various (global) occasions!


Although the team has several international destinations in queue...sometimes company visits are a bit closer to home.  

For example, Rachel Cooper who also works as HEC Employer Engagement Manager, recently wrapped up a string of companies visits in Germany on behalf of the Career Center and had the following to add:  

“Berlin is a city rich in culture, history...and some of HEC’s top recruitment relationships! This past month I had the pleasure of visiting more than 10 companies with a focus on the tech sector such as Zalando, HelloFresh, Freshworks, etc., along with several impact-focused entities like Merantix AI ventures and TIER. These visits are crucial for establishing deep-rooted company relationships along with sourcing for upcoming events, such as MBA Career Week, Germany Career Day and Digital & Tech Fair just to name a few.”  


HEC Employer Engagement Manager Rachel Cooper meets on-site with company reps and supports MBA club visits.

Moving ahead, the HEC Career Center is looking forward to upcoming events, travels, and other employer recruitment activities on and off campus. Of note are the anticipated fall flagship events including but not limited to: MBA Career Week, International Consulting, and International Finance Fair. With a total of 60 companies already secured across these three events, the team is expecting a successful fall recruitment period for students.  

On behalf of the entire HEC Career Center, we wish all our students the best of luck in their current or future internships and new roles!