La 13ème édition de la Medici Summer School
Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer l'organisation de la 13e édition de la Medici Summer School pour les étudiants en doctorat et les jeunes chercheurs du 14 au 18 juin 2021. L'école est organisée et parrainée par la Bologna Business School (Université de Bologne), HEC Paris (Institut Society & Organizations) et le MIT Sloan School of Management (Programme doctorale)
The Summer School is designed to promote doctoral education and research organization theory and related fields (economic sociology, management studies, strategy) and contribute to the development of enlightened practice in the management of business organizations. The Summer School is a unique educational program for qualified doctoral students interacting with thought leaders in the management field who will share their knowledge and wisdom on frontier research topics.
THEME : Cooperation in organizing and innovating
The Summer School combines lectures and research seminars by international scholars with an active engagement of participant students. Confirmed faculty members:
Delia Baldassarri (NYU)
Emilio Castilla (MIT)
Gino Cattani (NYU)
Rodolphe Durand (HEC Paris)
Alessandro Lomi (University of Italian Switzerland in Lugano)
Simone Ferriani (University of Bologna & City, University of London)
Claudine Gartenberg (The Wharton School)
Ray Reagans (MIT Sloan)
Arnout van de Rijt (European University Institute)
Ezra Zuckerman (MIT)
Consultez le PROGRAMME (en anglais)