Christian CAUVIN
Emeritus Professor
Accounting and Management Control
Christian Cauvin holds a Hec degree.
Christian Cauvin's research and teaching interests are in Accounting and Financial Analysis, Management Control and Implementation of Strategy. He is involved in service's activities and non-profit sector. He is director of an health consultancy.
He wrote Hospitable Management: Finance and Management Control, Economica, 1990 (in coll. with C. Coyaud) and also participated to different collective books "Hospitals: Management's Specificity and Particularity" in Encyclopedia of Management (Y. Simon, P. Joffre), Economica, 1997 and "The New Clothes of Management Control" in Questions of Control (L. Collins ed.), PUF, 1999.
Scientific articles
Gestions Hospitalières, August-September 2001, n° 167, pp 591-609, (in coll. with M. CREMADEZ)
Journal d'Economie Médicale, 1989, n° 4,
Gestions Hospitalières, January 1988, n° 272,
Editions L'Harmattan
Editions L'Harmattan
Le Bord de l'Eau
Gualino Editeur (in coll. with C. MENDOZA, M.-H. DELMOND, P. DOBLER, V. MALLERET )
Editions Economica (in coll. with O. SILHOL, E. CHIAPELLO, A. HADIDA, A. KERAVEL, A. BUSSON, N. FERRY-MACCARIO )
Editions Economica (in coll. with E. Chiapello, N. Ferry-Maccario, A. Hadida, A. Keravel, O. Silhol, A. BUSSON )
Montchrestien - Gualino éditeur (in coll. with C. Mendoza, M.-H. DELMOND, P. Dobler, V. MALLERET )
Montchrestien - Gualino éditeur (in coll. with H. STOLOWY, Y. DING, D. PHAM, C. BONNIER, P. DELVAILLE, J. EGLEM, C. GUERLAIN, C. MAILLET, A. MIKOL, C. SIMON )
Editions Economica (in coll. with B. Grand, P. Rousseau, M. GHERTMAN, J. Arrègle )
Chapters in edited books
L'Art Du Management 3, HEC Paris, Dunod, 107-114
Comptabilité Financière De L'Entreprise, J. Y. Eglem, H. Stolowy (eds), Montchrestien - Gualino éditeur
Questoes De Controlo E Gestao, RES Editore LDA, Lisbonne, chap. 9
Les Mécanismes Comptables De L'Entreprise, J. Y Eglem, H. Stolowy (Eds), Montchrestien - Gualino éditeur
Questions De Contrôle, L. Collins (Ed.), Presses Universitaires de France (PUF)
Encyclopédie De Gestion, Y. Simon, P. Joffre (Eds.), Editions Economica, 1
Le Management Des Entreprises Artistiques Et Culturelles, Y. Evrard (Ed.), Editions Economica
Scientific articles
Gestions Hospitalières, August-September 2001, n° 167, pp 591-609, (in coll. with M. CREMADEZ)
Journal d'Economie Médicale, 1989, n° 4,
Gestions Hospitalières, January 1988, n° 272,
Editions L'Harmattan
Editions L'Harmattan
Le Bord de l'Eau
Gualino Editeur (in coll. with C. MENDOZA, M.-H. DELMOND, P. DOBLER, V. MALLERET )
Chapters in edited books
L'Art Du Management 3, HEC Paris, Dunod, 107-114
Comptabilité Financière De L'Entreprise, J. Y. Eglem, H. Stolowy (eds), Montchrestien - Gualino éditeur
Questoes De Controlo E Gestao, RES Editore LDA, Lisbonne, chap. 9
Les Mécanismes Comptables De L'Entreprise, J. Y Eglem, H. Stolowy (Eds), Montchrestien - Gualino éditeur
Academic appointments
Academic Responsibilities at HEC
- 2008- Emeritus Professor, Accounting and Management Control HEC Paris
- 1970-2008 Professor, Accounting and Management Control HEC Paris
- 1999-2001 Membre du Comité de l'Enseignement de l'Ecole HEC HEC Paris
- Responsable du cours électif Comptabilité 2 - HEC HEC Paris
Scientific Activities
Membership in Academic or Professional Organisation
- Member, Ordre des Experts Comptables
- Member, European Healthcare Management Association
- Membre du Conseil Scientifique de l'ENSP (Ecole Nationale de la Sante Publique)
Awards & honors
- 2000 BNP Paribas Pierre Vernimmen Teaching Award