Michel SANTI
Emeritus Professor
Strategy and Business Policy
Michel Senti holds an M.Sc. degree from HEC in 1971, Michel Senti worked for some years in different French and international companies in the field of marketing and management. Since 20 years his main topics of research and teaching are innovation and entrepreneurship, external as well as internal (intrapreneurship).
He is managing the "Entreprendre" specialization inside the HEC MBA and he launched 3 dedicated programs for entrepreneurs in the HEC Executive Programs.
He is co-author of "Strategor", the French best known handbook in strategy, and "Fortune Faite, learning from the experiences of the greatest French entrepreneurs in the 20th century ". Alongside with his research and teaching activities, Michel SANTI is an entrepreneur and a consultant in the field of strategy and entrepreneurship.
He co-created some ventures, acts as a venture capitalist (business angel) and is still in charge of governance responsibilities inside European companies.
Scientific articles
Management Decision, March 2014, vol. 52, n° 1, pp 122-143, (in coll. with F. DUHAMEL, S. REBOUD)
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, March 2012, vol. 24, n° 3, pp 253-266, (in coll. with F. Duhamel)
ESIC Market, 1986, n° 54,
Acheteurs, 1981, (in coll. with Y. Gauchet)
Enseignement et Gestion, Fall 1978,
Eyrolles (in coll. with V. NGUYEN )
Dunod (in coll. with les membres du département Stratégie et Politique d'Entreprise, sous le pseudonyme de "Strategor" )
Dunod (in coll. with les membres du département Stratégie et Politique d'Entreprise, sous le pseudonyme de "Strategor" )
Dunod (in coll. with J. Pecoul )
Chapters in edited books
Des Pme Aux Eti : Les Entreprises En Croissance : Questions De Dirigeants Et Bonnes Pratiques, F. Chevalier (Ed.), De Boeck Université, Bruxelles
Le Grand Livre De L'Économie Pme 2015, G. Lecointre, JF. Roubaud (Eds), Gualino Editeur
Valeur(S) &Amp; Management : Des Méthodes Pour Plus De Valeur(S) Dans Le Management, H. Poissonnier, O. De Hemmer Gudme, EMS Management et Sociétés
Transgenerational Entrepreneurship, (Coll.) Babson College, Edward Elgar Publishing
L'Art Du Management 3, HEC Paris, Dunod, 412-420
L'Art Du Management 3, HEC Paris, Dunod, 93-97
L'Art Du Management 3, HEC Paris, Dunod, 194-197
L'Art De La Gestion Des Risques, Les Echos, Financial Times, Village Mondial
Perspectives En Management Stratégique : Tome 2 : 1992-1994, A. Noël, P. Dussauge (Eds.), Editions Economica
L'École Des Managers De Demain, ouvrage collectif des professeurs du Groupe HEC, Editions Economica
Working papers
Les Etudes de la Fondation HEC , 1996
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 1992
Case Studies
Scientific articles
Management Decision, March 2014, vol. 52, n° 1, pp 122-143, (in coll. with F. DUHAMEL, S. REBOUD)
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, March 2012, vol. 24, n° 3, pp 253-266, (in coll. with F. Duhamel)
ESIC Market, 1986, n° 54,
Acheteurs, 1981, (in coll. with Y. Gauchet)
Eyrolles (in coll. with V. NGUYEN )
Dunod (in coll. with les membres du département Stratégie et Politique d'Entreprise, sous le pseudonyme de "Strategor" )
Dunod (in coll. with les membres du département Stratégie et Politique d'Entreprise, sous le pseudonyme de "Strategor" )
Dunod (in coll. with J. Pecoul )
Chapters in edited books
Des Pme Aux Eti : Les Entreprises En Croissance : Questions De Dirigeants Et Bonnes Pratiques, F. Chevalier (Ed.), De Boeck Université, Bruxelles
Le Grand Livre De L'Économie Pme 2015, G. Lecointre, JF. Roubaud (Eds), Gualino Editeur
Valeur(S) &Amp; Management : Des Méthodes Pour Plus De Valeur(S) Dans Le Management, H. Poissonnier, O. De Hemmer Gudme, EMS Management et Sociétés
Transgenerational Entrepreneurship, (Coll.) Babson College, Edward Elgar Publishing
Working papers
Les Etudes de la Fondation HEC , 1996
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 1992
Case Studies
Academic appointments
Academic Responsibilities at HEC
- 2023- Emeritus Professor, Strategy and Business Policy HEC Paris
- 1979-2007 Professor, Strategy and Business Policy HEC Paris
- Directeur pédagogique CESA "Manager une Business Unit" HEC Paris
- Director of the "Entreprendre" Department in the Executive Programs HEC Paris
- Directeur Scientifique "Institut HEC Start-Up" HEC Paris
- Responsable du track "Entreprendre et start-up" au MBA HEC Paris
Scientific Activities
Membership in Academic or Professional Organisation
- Member, Strategic Management Society
- Member, Association Internationale de Management Strategique
Conference organisation
Awards & honors
- 2002 Prix 2001 de l'EFMD European Case Writing Competition