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Finance Department News

Discover the news of the Finance Department: top academic publications, awards, research grants, blogs and other initiatives, PhD student placement, and more.


Noémie PInardon-Touati, HEC Paris

Congratulations to Noémie Pinardon-Touati, one of the 6 winners of the 2022 AQR (Applied Quantitative Research) Top Finance Graduate Award. This prestigious prize rewards the six best students in finance...

Jean-Édouard Colliard, Associate Professor of Finance at HEC Paris and co-holder of the Analytics for Future Banking chair (HEC Paris — Natixis — Polytechnique), is the winner of the “Best Young...

Rodolphe Durand & Denis Gromb - The Case Centre 2022 Awards

For the first time in its 32-year history, the Case Centre, a leading independent case-publishing platform, has rewarded not one, but two, HEC academics in the same year for their outstanding case work in...

Learning Expedition HEC Paris Faculty at Station F

More than a dozen of HEC’s top faculty members paid a visit to Station F in early December as part of a learning expedition to the world’s biggest startup campus. This was designed to further solidify the...

HEC Data Day 2021

The fourth Data Day saw a welcome return to in-person presentations and conversations. 21 months after its previous edition, this hybrid event involved 150 practitioners, researchers and students gathered...

Colliard Foucault Hoffmann

The Journal of Finance, one of the top journals in financial economics, just published the paper “ Inventory Management, Dealers' Connections, and Prices in Over-the-Counter Markets” by HEC Paris finance...

vignette Foucault

Thierry Foucault, HEC Chaired Foundation Professor of Finance, has been appointed co-managing editor of the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis ( JFQA) last September.

© HEC Paris

The case “Private Equity and Infrastructure : Antin's TowerCo Deal” written by Denis Gromb has won the prestigious AFFi*-CCMP Prize. This recognizes the year’s best case in Finance and rewards an original...

Junli Zhao, HEC PhD, Finance, 2021

Congratulations to Dr Junli Zhao, Finance specialization, who successfully defended his Doctoral Dissertation at HEC Paris, on August 12, 2021. Dr Zhao will join City University of London, Bayes Business...

Review of Asset Pricing

Associate Professor of Finance Daniel Schmidt has had his research paper “ Fundamental Arbitrage under the Microscope: Evidence from Detailed Hedge Fund Transaction Data” accepted for publication in the...

Bruno Biais - HEC

Bruno Biais, professor of finance at HEC Paris, was granted an Honoris Causa Doctorate by the University of Zurich, recognizing his fundamental contributions to Finance and Economics.

Thierry Foucault - HEC

Thierry Foucault, professor of finance at HEC Paris and GREGHEC (CNRS/HEC), and the Scientific Co-Director of Hi! Paris Center*, is one of 209 new recipients of the European Research Council (ERC)...

ioanid rosu - HEC Paris

The Finance Department at HEC Paris is pleased to announce that Associate Professor Ioanid Rosu has had his research paper “ Evolution of Shares in a Proof-of-Stake Cryptocurrency” published in Management...

Johan Hombert, professor of finance at HEC Paris, has been selected for a European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant, making HEC Paris recipient of two ERC grants in 2020, and three in total.

Christophe Spaenjers - HEC Paris News

The Finance Department at HEC Paris is pleased to announce that Associate Professor Christophe Spaenjers has had his research paper on the profitability of real estate accepted for publication in the...

Irina ZVIADADZE thumbnail news

The Finance Department at HEC Paris is pleased to announce that Associate Professor Irina Zviadadze has had her research paper on risk-return trade-off accepted for publication in the Review of Financial...

johan hombert blog - news thumbnail - HEC Paris

Professor Johan Hombert initiated a blog on finance to keep in touch with his students at HEC Paris by helping them understand the COVID-19 crisis, during and following the lockdown in France. The blog...

Past News

Christophe Spaenjers - HEC Paris News

The Finance Department at HEC Paris is pleased to announce that Associate Professor Christophe Spaenjers has had his research paper on the profitability of real estate accepted for publication in the...

Irina ZVIADADZE thumbnail news

The Finance Department at HEC Paris is pleased to announce that Associate Professor Irina Zviadadze has had her research paper on risk-return trade-off accepted for publication in the Review of Financial...

johan hombert blog - news thumbnail - HEC Paris

Professor Johan Hombert initiated a blog on finance to keep in touch with his students at HEC Paris by helping them understand the COVID-19 crisis, during and following the lockdown in France. The blog...

Huan Tang, Finance, PhD Graduate 2020

Congratulations to Dr Huan Tang, Finance specialization, who successfully defended her Doctoral thesis at HEC Paris, on August 27, 2020. Huan joined the London School of Economics as Assistant Professor.

professors of finance - HEC Paris

How to foster business dynamism when we emerge from COVID-19? New research shows that well designed unemployment insurance is key. Professor of Finance Johan Hombert (HEC Paris), with three researchers...

huan tang award

The HEC Paris Finance Department is proud to announce that HEC Ph.D. student Huan Tang is one of the six winners of the 2020 AQR Top Finance Graduate Award.

PhD HEC Paris Pekka Honkanen

Congratulations to Dr Pekka Honkanen, Finance, who successfully defended his Doctoral thesis at HEC Paris, on May 26, 2020. Pekka will join the Terry College of Business, University of Georgia as...

Bruno Biais - HEC Paris

In early 2020, the European Research Council (ERC) granted €450 million for Europe’s long-term research, because "Europe’s future depends on science and research", reminded Mariya Gabriel, European...

Fintech vignette

Fintech seems to be everywhere these days - but how much do we really know about the industry? In our latest Executive Horizons survey, 65% of respondents gave their knowledge of financial technology a...