Meeting with Yaya Koné, Founder of Coliba
"United in diversity" is a new series of video portraits of entrepreneurs and change makers, proposed by the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center and the Society & Organizations Center of HEC Paris, and produced by HEC students currently traveling the world. As part of their trip, the three students went to meet Yaya Koné, Founder of Coliba, in Abidjan.
As part of their journey, the three students of HEC United traveled to Abidjan to meet Yaya Koné, Founder of Coliba.
Coliba is an Ivorian social company specializing in the collection and recycling of plastic waste using a digital platform that connects households and companies producing plastic waste with affiliated collectors. In exchange for the collected plastic, households receive convertible points in internet data, beauty products, and basic food products. The collected plastics are then transferred to COLIBA's recycling plant to be processed into flakes and pellets following a rigorous industrial process.
Their goal is to cover the entire city of Abidjan before the end of 2023, to simplify sorting at source and to allow all Abidjan residents to have a collection point close to home.
Already more than 135 boxes have been installed, with a rate of installation of 20 boxes per month.
Learn more about the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center