Purpose, mission and values: now it's time to start our story together!
Six months ago, we launched a slightly crazy project: to redefine the values and purpose of our school, with the help of the entire HEC community, before the end of the summer. Professors, students, collaborators, alumni, donors... You have all made a commitment and done your part in contributing to this initiative.
(© Magali Delporte)
Together, for the first time, our community of 70,000 men and women throughout the world has embarked on this journey of introspection, convergence of work and mission, and reflection. Together, and hand-in-hand - the School, the Alumni Association and the Foundation - we have chosen to affirm that having an IMPACT, not only on business but on society as a whole, is the primary vocation of HEC Paris, and that to achieve this, our school must draw on its three priceless assets, which are also its pillars of excellence: research, education and action. The famous three-part motto, THINK, TEACH, ACT which is at the heart of HEC's mission.
Beyond this decidedly global purpose, we have also redefined the values that have united us over the past 140 years and which will be the foundation of our common future: excellence, of course, curiosity and the entrepreneurial spirit that have always defined HEC, but also, responsibility and diversity, values fiercely advocated by our younger members.
From now on, we can all speak with one voice to tell the world about our mission and extol the values that bind our community. We can proudly announce, without arrogance, that HEC is firmly committed to changing the world and being a part of the solution.
Our purpose and our values have been written down. But it's now that everything begins. Let us collectively serve, with righteousness and rigor, this shared vision of a more inclusive, more sustainable and more prosperous world. Together, let us embrace our values and place them at the service of the common good.
I look forward to seeing you in the new academic year, to celebrate the 140th anniversary of our wonderful school, but also to begin the implementation of our first set of actions.
Thank you all once again.
Eloïc Peyrache
Director General and Dean