Malena Macassi
MSc SASI - Inclusive and Social Business Certificate
I strongly believe that social and environmental awareness must be the basis of a transformation.
My name is Malena and I am from Peru.
I am a student of the Master program in Sustainability & Social Innovation at HEC Paris.
As part of the Certificate in Inclusive & Social Business, my team and I developed a project focusing on the informal sector in Lima, Peru. This part of the economy has been highly affected by the current COVID-19 crisis.
Our objective was to create an association to support women that work as street vendors and help them to restart their businesses by providing them the right tools and the right training so they can ensure living and therefore have sustainable income. A key element of this model is the collaborative work with local governments, that facilitate the access to licenses, and micro credit organizations that facilitate the access to capital.
This current crisis strengthened my idea of changing the way we do business. I strongly believe that social and environmental awareness must be the basis of a transformation that co-exists and meets social and inclusive business aims to shift that traditional business mindset and promote inclusive growth. It’s time to foster inclusive solution to tackle huge problematics such as poverty and climate change!
I personally think that this is the start of a new era and we have now the opportunity to build a new normal and create better societies.
“This current crisis has strengthened my idea of changing the way we do business” Malena Macassi @HECParisSASI developped a business project that supports women street vendors in #Peru #HECSocBizCertificate #socbizimpact
— Society & Organizations (@HECParisSnO) July 3, 2020