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Distinguished Visiting Professor

Information Systems et Operations Management

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Stefan Scholtes is Distinguished Visiting Professor at HEC Paris, France, and holds the Dennis Gillings Chair for Health Management at Judge Business School, University of Cambridge. His work focuses on the development of research and leadership programmes that leverage business school expertise across subject domains to support the transformation of health systems and the development of health service innovations at scale and at low cost. His work is heavily practice-based. He is founding Director of the Cambridge Centre for Health Leadership & Enterprise, which fosters deep and long-term engagement between business school faculty and students and healthcare practitioners to jointly tackle the thorny organisational and leadership challenges that arise in the pursuit of advancing innovation in healthcare and making these advances more accessible and affordable for all. Professor Scholtes has close links with many healthcare organizations, including as Chair of the Board of one of the largest primary care practices in England and, through honorary appointments, with Cambridge University Hospitals and other leading hospitals in England. At the outset of the COVID pandemic, he co-founded the Joint Evidence and Intelligence Cell jointly with Health System Agencies across the East of England, with a remit to support the regional COVID response and recovery through rigorous and timely analysis of regional and organizational data. Most recently, he teamed up with SSM Health, a large US healthcare system, to launch the Healthcare Utility Initiative with the goal to develop business models for not-for-profit social enterprises that remedy organizational and market inefficiencies and scale up known service innovations rapidly and at sustainably low cost to society. Professor Scholtes’ methodological expertise lies in operations research and statistics. He leads the Business Analytics core course on the Cambridge MBA, is a member of the interdisciplinary Cambridge Centre for AI in Medicine, and Department Editor for Healthcare Management at Management Science.

Articles scientifiques

Service Quality Implications of Long Periods of Consecutive Working Days: An Empirical Study of Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing Teams

Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, À paraître, (in coll. with F. Miedaner, L. Kuntz, K. Eilermann, B. Roth)

Curbing the Opioid Epidemic at Its Root: The Effect of Provider Discordance After Opioid Initiation

Management Science, avril 2022, vol. 68, n° 3, pp 2003-2015, (in coll. with K. Bobroske, M. Freeman, L. Huan, A. Cattrell)

Disruptive Collaboration: A Thesis for Pro-Competitive Collaboration in Health Care (commentary)

NEJM Catalyst Innovations in Care Delivery, 2022, (in coll. with C. DREDGE, D. LILJENQUIST)

Economies of Scale and Scope in Hospitals: An Empirical Study of Volume Spillovers

Management Science, février 2021, vol. 67, n° 2, pp 673-697, (in coll. with M. Freeman, N. Savva)

The Health Care Utility Model: A Novel Approach to Doing Business

New England Journal of Medicine Catalyst, 8 juillet 2021, (in coll. with C. DREDGE)

Gatekeeping, Fast and Slow: An Empirical Study of Referral Errors in the Emergency Department

Management Science, juillet 2021, vol. 67, n° 7, pp 4209-4232, (in coll. with M. Freeman, S. Robinson)

How artificial intelligence and machine learning can help healthcare systems respond to COVID-19

Machine Learning, 2021, vol. 110, n° 1, pp 1-14, (in coll. with M. van der Schaar, A. M. Alaa, A. Floto, A. Gimson, A. Wood, E. McKinney, D. Jarrett, P. Lio, A. Ercole)

Empirical Research in Healthcare Operations: Past Research, Present Understanding, and Future Opportunities

Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, janvier-février 2020, vol. 22, n° 1, pp 73-83, (in coll. with D. S. KC, C. Terwiesch)

Is seniority of emergency physician associated with the weekend mortality effect? An exploratory analysis of electronic health records in the UK

Emergency Medicine Journal, 2019, vol. 36, n° 12, pp 708-715, (in coll. with L. Han, J. Fine, S. M. Robinson, A. A. Boyle, M. Freeman)

Separate and Concentrate: Accounting for Patient Complexity in General Hospitals

Management Science, 2019, vol. 65, n° 6, pp 2482-2501, (in coll. with L. Kuntz, S. Sülz)

Articles scientifiques

Curbing the Opioid Epidemic at Its Root: The Effect of Provider Discordance After Opioid Initiation

Management Science, avril 2022, vol. 68, n° 3, pp 2003-2015, (in coll. with K. Bobroske, M. Freeman, L. Huan, A. Cattrell)

Disruptive Collaboration: A Thesis for Pro-Competitive Collaboration in Health Care (commentary)

NEJM Catalyst Innovations in Care Delivery, 2022, (in coll. with C. DREDGE, D. LILJENQUIST)

Economies of Scale and Scope in Hospitals: An Empirical Study of Volume Spillovers

Management Science, février 2021, vol. 67, n° 2, pp 673-697, (in coll. with M. Freeman, N. Savva)

Gatekeeping, Fast and Slow: An Empirical Study of Referral Errors in the Emergency Department

Management Science, juillet 2021, vol. 67, n° 7, pp 4209-4232, (in coll. with M. Freeman, S. Robinson)


  • Habilitation in Operations Research, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) - Allemagne
  • PhD in Economics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) - Allemagne

Nominations académiques

Responsabilités académiques à HEC

  • 2022- Distinguished Visiting Professor, Information Systems and Operations Management HEC Paris

Responsabilités académiques externes

  • 1996- Dennis Gillings Professor of Health Management Judge Business School, University of Cambridge

Activités scientifiques

Activités scientifiques

  • Former Associate Editor at Operations Research, Mathematics of Operations Research, SIAM Journal of Optimization, Journal of Operations Management
  • Department Editor Management Science