Marketing Research Camp 2018
9:30 Welcome coffee and registration
10:00 Talk 1: Catherine Tucker - "How Effective Is Black-box Digital Consumer Profiling and Audien Delivery?: Evidence from Fields Studies "
Data brokers often use online browsing records to create digital consumer profiles they sell to marketers as pre-defined audiences. However, this process is a `black box': Little is known about the reliability of the digital profiles that are created, or of the audience identification provided by buying platforms. In this paper, we investigate the performance of this audience delivery process with a focus on two widely-used demographic attributes, age and gender. We demonstrate in three field tests that digital profiles for these two attributes are often inaccurate across leading data brokers. For example, we show that digital profiling is often only able to accurately identify a male consumer around 50 percent of the time. We further find that accuracy of both digital profiling and audience delivery vary by provider and user characteristic - for example, the demographic characteristics of younger people or those who live in smaller households are easier to predict. Our findings suggest that third-party digital profiles currently result in a poor cost-benefit ratio for advertisers. We estimate that this leads to nearly $7bn of global ad spend wastage. Our results suggest that more verification, standards and transparency are required to avoid misclassifications and its potential negative consequences.
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Talk 2: Kristina Durante - "An Evolutionary Approach to Women’s Consumer Choice"
An evolutionary theoretical approach considers the adaptive function of behavior. This talk discusses what it means to use an evolutionary approach to generate predictions, and highlights one evolutionarily-informed theory that has uncovered novel insights into women’s consumer behavior: The ovulatory shift hypothesis highlights that women experience an increase in mating motivation near ovulation (e.g., increased desire to attract men and outcompete rival women). This shift in motivation has important implications for women’s desires, preferences, and purchase behavior.
12:30 End of morning sessions
12:45 Buffet lunch at Best Western Restaurant
14:00 Talk 3: Olivier Toubia - "Content-Based Model of Web Search Behavior: An Application to TV Show Search "
We develop a flexible content-based search model that links the content preferences of search engine users to query search volume and click-through rates on search results. Content preferences are defined over latent topics that describe the content of search queries and search result descriptions. Moreover, our model allows content preferences to vary systematically based on the context of the search. To facilitate efficient and scalable inference, we develop a full Bayesian variational inference algorithm. We evaluate our modeling framework using real-world data on searches for TV shows on the Bing search engine. We illustrate how our model can quantify the content preferences associated with each query, and how these preferences vary systematically based on whether the query is observed before, during, or after a TV show is aired. We also show that our model can improve predictions of click-through rates above and beyond the current average position of links on the results page. In addition to search engines, advertisers can apply our model to understand their search advertising campaign data and gain insight into which search ads should be targeted to which users, when, and on which devices.
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 Talk 4: Krishna Aradhna - "Anxiety and Risk Avoidance Due to Imperceptible Differences in Ambient Sound "
While much work has been done on the non-conscious impact of visual stimuli, little has been done on non-conscious effects of sound. In this paper, we explore how sound pitch can non-consciously impact human behavior.
16:30 End of afternoon sessions
18:30 Drinks and dinner at Best Western Restaurant Closing cocktail/dinner
If you want to attend the cocktail/dinner at the Best Western restaurant, please make sureyou have tiecked "YES" to the question "Will you attend the closing cocktail/dinner" while registering.
Please send an email to Francine Lestrade for any