Resilience in Strategic Analysis
Information Systems and Operations Management,
Economics and Decision Sciences,
& Hi! Paris
Speaker: Ehud Kalai (MEDS)
Room T004
The Resilience of equilibrium in 𝑛 person games is an integer between 0, (= the resilience of Nash equilibrium) and 𝒏-1, (= the resilience of dominant-strategy eqm).
Equilibrium resilience provides deeper strategic insights than obtained by focusing solely on Nash equilibrium(NE), dominant strategy eqm(DSE) and their refinements.
1. Review Definitions, Strategic Persuasion
the number of players needed to establish and sustain equilibrium.
2. Centralization in Graphs
the instability of central control, supply chains, etc, identified by zero resilience.
3. New Implementation Method (time permitting)
implementation by high resilience eqm when DSE doesn’t exist, e.g., n-prisoner dilemma.
4. Comparisons with standard refinements
the broader set of counterfactuals that underlies resilience.