Emeritus Professor
Yves EVRARD is a graduate in Engineering from Ecole Polytechnique from Paris and holds a Ph.D. in Management from Paris-Dauphine University. He has been Associate Dean for Research at HEC and was visiting professor in several international institutions: University of California, Berkeley ; Stern School, NYU (New York University); UFRGS and FGV (Brasil) ;Esade, Barcelona.
His major areas of interest are on one side research methods(the fourth edition of the book MARKET, which he coauthored, has been published by Dunod Editions in 2009), on the other side consumer behaviour, and more specifically post-buying processes (consumption experience,value and consumer satisfaction). His research has been published in several french and international scientific journals.
His present research and teaching activities are focused on the sectors of arts and creative industries. He teaches marketing in the HEC specialization MAC (Medias, Arts and Creative industries), which he launched in 1985. He is Honorary Chairman of AIMAC (International Association of Management of Arts and Culture) and Deputy Editor of IJAM (International Journal of Arts Management). His principal current research projects are: virtual access to museums (in collaboration with the Louvre museum); new forms of collaborative writing of audiovisual contents (with the EOLE laboratory of HEC).
Scientific articles
Journal of Cultural Economics, aout 2018, vol. 42, n° 3, pp 353-363, (in coll. with A. KREBS)
Cadernos EBAPE-BR, february, 3 2007, vol. V, n° 4, (in coll. with V. Brei, C. Vargas Rossi)
Journal of Business Research, March 2005, vol. 58, n° 3, pp 339-340, (in coll. with W. Hoyer, A. Strazzieri)
Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 2004, vol. 19, n° 3, pp 1-20, (in coll. with P. Aurier, G. N'Goala)
Revue Française de Gestion, January-February 2003, vol. 29, n° 142, pp 165-188, (in coll. with M. Bonnafous-Boucher, F. Mazallon, S. Chatelain-Ponroy)
Décisions Marketing, October-December 2002, n° 28, pp 7-11, (in coll. with C. Bénavent)
International Journal of Arts Management, Winter 2000, vol. 2, n° 2, pp 4-13, (in coll. with F. Colbert)
READ (Revista Electronica de Administraçao), October 2000, vol. 6, n° 3, pp 1-5,
Advances in Consumer Research, 1998, vol. XXV, pp 196-202, (in coll. with L. Boff)
The Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society, Fall 1997, vol. 27, n° 3, pp 167-175,
Vuibert (in coll. with A. BUSSON )
Vuibert (in coll. with A. BUSSON )
Dunod (in coll. with A. Dussaix, G. Lilien, P. Desmet )
Dunod (in coll. with E. ROUX, B. PRAS )
Editions Economica (in coll. with A. Busson, C. Cauvin, O. Silhol, N. Ferry-Maccario, A. Hadida, A. Keravel, E. Chiapello )
Nathan, Paris (in coll. with B. Pras, E. Roux )
La Documentation Française, Série Notes et Etudes Documentaires (in coll. with A. BUSSON )
Dalloz (in coll. with P. LEMAIRE )
Dalloz (in coll. with P. LEMAIRE )
Chapters in edited books
Innover En Temps De Crise, Réactions Et Adaptation Face À La Crise Covid-19, Hervé Dumez, Benjamin Loveluck, et Alexandre Mallard, Presses des Mines
La Valeur Perçue En Marketing, R.Mencarelli & A. Rivière, Presses Universitaires de Provence, Postface , 219-224
L'Art Du Management 3, HEC Paris, Dunod, 375-379
Le Management Des Entreprises Culturelles, ISEOR (Ed.), Editions Economica, 25-37
Valeur, Marché Et Organisation, J. P. Bréchet (Ed.), Presses Académiques de l'Ouest, 199-212
Le Management Des Entreprises Artistiques Et Culturelles, Y. Evrard (Ed.), Editions Economica, 5-12
Economie Et Culture : Les Outils De L'Économiste À L'Épreuve, La Documentation Française, Avignon, 125-136
La Publicité, Nerf De La Communication, S. Piquet (Ed.), Editions d'Organisation, Paris, 191-202
Encyclopédie Du Marketing, Editions Belin
Encyclopédie Du Management, Editions Belin
11th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC 2011) , 2011 , Anvers (F. CARO)
Actes du 23e congrès international de l'Association Française de Marketing , 2007 , Aix-Les-Bains (D. Bourgeon-Renault, B. Cova, C. Petr)
Actes du Colloque International sur les Statistiques Culturelles / Proceedings of the International Symposium on Culture Statistics, UNESCO , 2002 , Montréal
Proceedings of 6th AIMAC Conference , 2001 , Brisbane (P. Aurier)
Working papers
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2011
Série Documentos para Estudo , 1995
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 1994
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 1994
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 1994
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 1982
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 1980
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 1975
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 1974
Scientific articles
Journal of Cultural Economics, aout 2018, vol. 42, n° 3, pp 353-363, (in coll. with A. KREBS)
Cadernos EBAPE-BR, february, 3 2007, vol. V, n° 4, (in coll. with V. Brei, C. Vargas Rossi)
Journal of Business Research, March 2005, vol. 58, n° 3, pp 339-340, (in coll. with W. Hoyer, A. Strazzieri)
Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 2004, vol. 19, n° 3, pp 1-20, (in coll. with P. Aurier, G. N'Goala)
Vuibert (in coll. with A. BUSSON )
Vuibert (in coll. with A. BUSSON )
Dunod (in coll. with A. Dussaix, G. Lilien, P. Desmet )
Chapters in edited books
Innover En Temps De Crise, Réactions Et Adaptation Face À La Crise Covid-19, Hervé Dumez, Benjamin Loveluck, et Alexandre Mallard, Presses des Mines
La Valeur Perçue En Marketing, R.Mencarelli & A. Rivière, Presses Universitaires de Provence, Postface , 219-224
L'Art Du Management 3, HEC Paris, Dunod, 375-379
Le Management Des Entreprises Culturelles, ISEOR (Ed.), Editions Economica, 25-37
11th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC 2011) , 2011 , Anvers (F. CARO)
Actes du 23e congrès international de l'Association Française de Marketing , 2007 , Aix-Les-Bains (D. Bourgeon-Renault, B. Cova, C. Petr)
Actes du Colloque International sur les Statistiques Culturelles / Proceedings of the International Symposium on Culture Statistics, UNESCO , 2002 , Montréal
Proceedings of 6th AIMAC Conference , 2001 , Brisbane (P. Aurier)
Working papers
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2011
Série Documentos para Estudo , 1995
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 1994
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 1994
Academic appointments
Academic Responsibilities at HEC
- 2006- Emeritus Professor, Marketing HEC Paris
- 1970-2006 Professor, Marketing HEC Paris
- 2001-2001 Création de la Majeure "Management des Arts et de la Culture" HEC Paris
- 1989-1993 Associate Dean for Research HEC Paris
- 1985-1985 Création de l'option "Culture et Communication" (HEC3C) HEC Paris
- 1974-1978 Directeur de la Recherche HEC Paris
Scientific Activities
Membership in Academic or Professional Organisation
- 1985-1991 Administrateur de l'IREP
- Administrateur de l'Association Francaise de Marketing (AFM)
- 1990-1992 President du Comite Scientifique AFM - FNEGE
- 1988- Member of the Scientific Council at Mediametrie
- Member, Association for Consumer Research (ACR)
- President, Association Internationale du Management des Arts et de la Culture (AIMAC)