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Emeritus Professor


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Jean-Noël Kapferer received his Ph.D. from Kellogg Business School (Northwestern University, USA). He holds the Pernod-Ricard Chair on the Management of Prestige Brands and teaches Luxury Management in China (Tsing Hua University in Beijing), Korea (at the Seoul Luxury Business Institute) and Japan. He is a world reputed expert on brands. He is known for his advanced work on brand identity, strategic brand management, brand portfolios, brand architectures and most recently on prestige and luxury management.

At HEC, he teaches at the Grande Ecole, MBA and Executive Education level . He also directs doctoral dissertations

Author of more than one hundred articles, published in American journals (Marketing Science, The Journal of Marketing Research, The Journal of International Marketing, The Journal of Advertising Research , Psychology and Marketing, Advances in Consumer Research, The Public Opinion Quarterly) as well as in European journals (The Financial Times, The European Business Review The Journal of Brand Management, Market Leader , etc...) or Asian Journals ( Harvard Business Review China ) he won the 2004 American Marketing Association Award for the most influential contribution to marketing thinking for his article on «Local versus multinational brand strategy».He is the author of fifteen books on brand management, communication, word of mouth, advertising, four of them having gained wide international recognition: «Strategic Brand Management » ( now in its fourth edition , 2008) , «Re-inventing the brand » (2001), the very latest «The Luxury Strategy» (2009) all published by Kogan Page and a pioneering book «Rumours » (1991, Transaction Publishers) on the influence and management of word of mouth and buzz.

Jean-Noël Kapferer is an active consultant to leading international corporations on brand strategy. He is also a much sought after speaker for conferences and executive seminars all around the world. His recent lectures took place in New York, Geneva, Stockholm, Beijing, Seoul, Mumbay, Sao Paulo, and Tokyo.

Scientific articles

All that glitters is not sold: selling a luxury brand outside a luxury environment

Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 2022, vol. 42, n° 1, pp 26-45, (in coll. with M. DAS GYOMLAI, M. Ahearne, D. ROUZIES)

Are millennials really more sensitive to sustainable luxury? A cross-generational international comparison of sustainability consciousness when buying luxury

Journal of Brand Management, January 2020, vol. 27, n° 1, pp 35-47, (in coll. with A. MICHAUT)

Are Millennials really redefining luxury? A cross-generational analysis of perceptions of luxury from six countries

Journal of Brand Strategy, Winter 2019, vol. 8, n° 3, pp 250-264, (in coll. with A. MICHAUT)

Where do consumers think luxury begins? A study of perceived minimum price for 21 luxury goods in 7 countries

Alliance Journal of Business Research, January 2016, vol. 69, n° 1, pp 332-340, (in coll. with G. LAURENT)

The future of luxury: Challenges and opportunities

Journal of Brand Management, April 2015, vol. 21, n° 9, pp 716-726,

Luxury and sustainability: a common future? The match depends on how consumers define luxury

Luxury Research Journal, 2015, vol. 1, n° 1, pp 3-17, (in coll. with A. MICHAUT)

Is luxury compatible with sustainability? Luxury consumers’ viewpoint

Journal of Brand Management, January 2014, vol. 21, n° 1, pp 1-22, (in coll. with A. MICHAUT)

The artification of luxury: From artisans to artists

Business Horizons, december, 2 2014, vol. 57, n° 3, pp 371-380,

Does luxury have a minimum price? An exploratory study into consumers' psychology of luxury prices

Journal of Revenue & Pricing Management, February 2014, vol. 13, n° 1, pp 2-11, (in coll. with C. KLIPPERT, L. LEPROUX)

Abundant rarity: The key to luxury growth

Business Horizons, September 2012, vol. 55, n° 5, pp 453-462,



Nouveaux challenges, nouveaux challengers- Eyrolles

The Future of Branding

SAGE Publications (in coll. with ET AL. )

Kapferer on Luxury: How Luxury Brands Can Grow Yet Remain Rare

Kogan Page

Ré-inventer les marques: La fin des marques telles que nous les connaissons


Strategic Brand Management: New Approaches to Creating and Evaluating Brand Equity, traduction de : "Les marques, capital de l'entreprise"

Kogan Page

The Luxury Strategy Break the Rules of Marketing to Build Luxury Brands (adaptation de "Luxe Oblige" aux Editions d'Organisation)

Kogan Page (in coll. with V. Bastien )

Luxe oblige

Eyrolles (in coll. with V. Bastien )

Les marques, capital de l'entreprise

Editions d'Organisation, Paris

FAQ : La marque


Ce qui va changer les marques - Discount, mondialisation et marchés matures

Editions d'Organisation, Paris

Chapters in edited books

Selecting the brand architecture to match your strategy

The Future Of Branding, Rajendra K Srivastava, Gregory Metz Thomas, SAGE Publications, 3-33

Are luxury purchasers really insensitive to sustainable development? New insight from research

&Quot;Sustainle Luxury: Managing Social And Environment Performance In Iconic Brands, Miguel Angel Gardetti, Ana LauraTorres (Eds), Greenleaf Publishing, 38 , 94-107

Le privilège de marque, le privilège d'offre

Olivier Géradon De Véra : Une Pensée Libre, M. Dietsch, Essec Publishing

More on Luxury Anti-Laws of Marketing

Luxury Marketing - A Challenge For Theory And Practice, K. P. Wiedmann, N. Hennigs (Eds.), Springer Gabler: Wiesbaden, 19-34

Paris as a Brand

City Branding: Theory And Cases, K. Dinnie (Ed.), Palgrave Macmillan, 184-189

Puissance de la marque

Mba, L'Essentiel Du Management Par Les Meilleurs Professeurs, Dunod, 169-192

Quels facteurs de succès pour les marques, demain

L'Art Du Management 3, HECParis, Dunod, 355-362

Managing brands through rumors

Medium Gerücht, M. Btuhn, W. Wundernlich (Eds), Haupt Verlag, 117-155

Corporate Brand and Organizational Identity

Corporate And Organizational Identities: Integrating Strategy, Marketing, Communication And Organizational Perspectives, B. Moingeon, G. Soenen (Eds), Routledge, London, 175-194

Du risque au plaisir : quelles fonctions pour les marques ?

L'Art De La Gestion Des Risques, Les Echos, Financial Times, Village Mondial


Consumer Factors of Preference for National vs Distributors' Brands

ESOMAR Proceedings , 1996 , Berlin

Typicality assessments for mega-brands

Proceedings of the 24th EMAC Conference , 1995 , Cergy-Pontoise (G. LAURENT)

Stealing Brand Equity: Measuring Perceptual Confusion Between National Brands and 'Copycat' Own-label Products

Proceedings of ESOMAR Seminar on "Building Sucessfull Brands; the Need for an Integrated Approach" , 1994 , Prague

How global are global brands ?, in The challenge of branding today and in the future ?

Actes de la Conférence ESOMAR , 1992

Working papers

Is Luxury Compatible with Sustainable Development: the consumer viewpoint

Mimeo , 2012

Striking correlates of luxury counterfeit purchases

Mimeo , 2012

Is the luxury industry really a financier's dream?

Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2010

Scientific articles

All that glitters is not sold: selling a luxury brand outside a luxury environment

Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 2022, vol. 42, n° 1, pp 26-45, (in coll. with M. DAS GYOMLAI, M. Ahearne, D. ROUZIES)

Are millennials really more sensitive to sustainable luxury? A cross-generational international comparison of sustainability consciousness when buying luxury

Journal of Brand Management, January 2020, vol. 27, n° 1, pp 35-47, (in coll. with A. MICHAUT)

Are Millennials really redefining luxury? A cross-generational analysis of perceptions of luxury from six countries

Journal of Brand Strategy, Winter 2019, vol. 8, n° 3, pp 250-264, (in coll. with A. MICHAUT)

Where do consumers think luxury begins? A study of perceived minimum price for 21 luxury goods in 7 countries

Alliance Journal of Business Research, January 2016, vol. 69, n° 1, pp 332-340, (in coll. with G. LAURENT)



Nouveaux challenges, nouveaux challengers- Eyrolles

The Future of Branding

SAGE Publications (in coll. with ET AL. )

Kapferer on Luxury: How Luxury Brands Can Grow Yet Remain Rare

Kogan Page

Ré-inventer les marques: La fin des marques telles que nous les connaissons


Chapters in edited books

Selecting the brand architecture to match your strategy

The Future Of Branding, Rajendra K Srivastava, Gregory Metz Thomas, SAGE Publications, 3-33

Are luxury purchasers really insensitive to sustainable development? New insight from research

&Quot;Sustainle Luxury: Managing Social And Environment Performance In Iconic Brands, Miguel Angel Gardetti, Ana LauraTorres (Eds), Greenleaf Publishing, 38 , 94-107

Le privilège de marque, le privilège d'offre

Olivier Géradon De Véra : Une Pensée Libre, M. Dietsch, Essec Publishing

More on Luxury Anti-Laws of Marketing

Luxury Marketing - A Challenge For Theory And Practice, K. P. Wiedmann, N. Hennigs (Eds.), Springer Gabler: Wiesbaden, 19-34


Consumer Factors of Preference for National vs Distributors' Brands

ESOMAR Proceedings , 1996 , Berlin

Typicality assessments for mega-brands

Proceedings of the 24th EMAC Conference , 1995 , Cergy-Pontoise (G. LAURENT)

Stealing Brand Equity: Measuring Perceptual Confusion Between National Brands and 'Copycat' Own-label Products

Proceedings of ESOMAR Seminar on "Building Sucessfull Brands; the Need for an Integrated Approach" , 1994 , Prague

How global are global brands ?, in The challenge of branding today and in the future ?

Actes de la Conférence ESOMAR , 1992

Working papers

Is Luxury Compatible with Sustainable Development: the consumer viewpoint

Mimeo , 2012

Striking correlates of luxury counterfeit purchases

Mimeo , 2012

Is the luxury industry really a financier's dream?

Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2010


  • Ph.D., Northwestern University, Kellogg Graduate School of Management - USA
  • DES de sciences economiques, Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne - France
  • Diplome Grande Ecole HEC Paris (Master Degree in Management), HEC Paris - France

Academic appointments

Academic Responsibilities at HEC

  • 2014- Emeritus Professor, Marketing HEC Paris
  • 2007-2013 Titulaire de la chaire Pernod Ricard "Management des marques de prestige" HEC Paris
  • 1970-2013 Professor HEC Paris

Scientific Activities

Membership in Academic or Professional Organisation

  • Member, American Marketing Association
  • President, Fondation pour l'Etude et l'Information sur les Rumeurs
  • Member, American Psychological Association
  • Member, Association for Consumer Research

Editorial activities

  • Membre du Comite de Redaction de la Revue Francaise de Gestion
  • Directeur de collection chez McGraw-Hill
  • Member, Editorial Board of the Journal of Brand Management
  • Membre du Comite de lecture de Recherches et Applications en Marketing
  • Member, Editorial Board, Decision Marketing
  • Reviewer, International Journal of Research in Marketing

  • Awards & honors

    • 2008 BNP Paribas Pierre Vernimmen Teaching Award
    • 2004 Tamer S. Cavusgil Award de l'American Marketing Association pour l'article "Executive Insights: Real Differences Between Local and International Brands: Strategic Implications for International Marketers", Journal of International Marketing, vol. 12, n 4, 2004
    • 1989 Prix de Harvard-Expansion : mention pour l'ouvrage "La marque", McGraw-Hill
    • 1987 Fondation HEC Prize for the article: "La sensibilite aux marques : un eclairage nouveau pour gerer la marque", Strategies, 1984
    • 1987 Fondation HEC Prize for the article: "Publicite : une revolution des methodes", Revue Francaise de Gestion, 1987
    • 1979 Grand Prix de l'Academie des Sciences Commerciales pour l'ouvrage : "Les chemins de la persuasion", Dunod, 1978