Introduction To 21st-Century Energy Challenges
Master in Management
The main aim of this course is to introduce current themes in the energy markets, by combining a view of the stakes for business as well as opportunities perceived by institutions and the public.
This course is certified SnO (HEC Paris Society & Organizations Center)
The class should help HEC students to:
- Increase their personal knowledge on 6 main themes covering the whole energy landscape, from Oil & Gas to Nuclear power
- Inform their own convictions about current debates on energy
- Practice some of the key analytical tools and methodologies used in the industry
- Experience the day-to-day working environment of energy sector professionals.
- The nuclear energy in a post-Fukushima world
- Oil & Gas: the secrets of oil pricing
- The green paradox and the challenges of Renewable energy
- The electricity markets in Europe and the impact of deregulation
- Oil & Gas: myths and realities of shale gas
- The smart grids: customer benefits and business reality.