Double Jeu
Student Societies
Double Jeu is HEC’s theatre troupe. Students with talent, energy and a love for theatre gather to create two shows. Supervised by professional directors, the performances are organised over 9 months to be of the highest quality possible. Double Jeu is an association that allows students to dive into the world of entertainment right here at HEC Paris.
The Mission:
- Double Jeu welcome students who are passionate about theatre to audition for a part in their troupe. Over the course of 9 months, the team will work together to create a magical spectacle for everyone to enjoy, it is a theatrical adventure filled with creativity, energy and talent!
Key Events:
The first show of the year takes place in March; performances are shown both on campus and in Parisian theatres, as well as student festivals- Nice, Barcelona, Reims and Lyon have been locations in previous years.
The second annual show is shown on campus in May.
Theatre performances are organised in Paris for members of troupe and conferences with personalities from the entertainment industry.
Why Join the Society?
- Double Jeu is a society that allows students to explore the world of entertainment from an artistic, but also, operational perspective. Additionally, the society offers the chance for members to experience a year full of laughter, passion and even glory. Joining this troupe gives students an opportunity to be part of many creative projects that bring theatre to HEC.
The current president is Maïmouna Desbrière.
12-15 students are chosen for the shows out of approximately 50 every year.
The society is proud to have the opportunity to work with prestigious directors namely Julie Carcuac, director of the Belvédère 99 Company.
Society History:
The Double Jeu troupe has performed shows every year since 2000. This year the society is hoping to take part in dozens of projects that are evermore outstanding, unique and spellbinding. Students are encouraged to audition for a part in the upcoming events this year- join the theatrical adventure and show off your talents!