HEC Positive Restructuring
Student Societies
The Mission:
- HEC positive Restructuring is a society that aims to help companies or start-ups in their development through strategic consulting projects lasting 3 months. Students who join the association will be able to choose the project they would like to work on and will be part of a group of about 6 people to complete the task.
Key Events:
The key events of the year are the 2 projects conducted by the students (one per semester), as well as conferences / training / cocktails organized with partners.
The society organises evenings and dinners with alumni, so that new members can be introduced to our former teams also.
Regular meetings and networking events with partners.
Why Join the Society?
This association allows students to discover the world of business through projects in which they are in direct contact with a manager of it. For first-year students, this is a real interest since they are supervised by second-year students selected for their experience. It is learning based on "Learning by doing".
Joining HPR means becoming professional, becoming familiar with the world of business, and of course, discovering strategy consulting within a motivated team.
The current president is Maja David.
The team consists of 52 members.
Key sponsors of the society include: la Société Générale, Accenture, Tilder, EY and the Franco-German chamber of commerce.
Society History:
The association was created in 2015 by Guillaume Vught, therefore it is one of the newer societies on campus at HEC Paris. It is very popular amongst the students, this year alone there were 190 applications.