Loyal active involvement in the UK
With numerous events organized by the HEC London office, run by Delphine Mourot (H.03); the Friends of HEC Charitable Trust, presided by Gaël Dutheil de la Rochère (H.88), and the Foundation’s UK Campaign Committee, managed by Mathieu Gaveau (H.98), UK donors represent the largest overseas contingent. In this framework, and just a few months before the end of the fundraising campaign, the Annual Foundation Dinner was held in late April at the Reform Club in London, gathering some 70 donors and volunteers.
For the 2nd year running, Nathalie Romang (H.96), Chairwoman of the Reform Club in London, opened the doors of this magnificent, historic venue with its stunning library to the UK’s donors and volunteers. More than 70 people attended an enjoyable dinner in this setting, in the presence of Eloïc Peyrache, Dean of HEC Paris; Olivier Sevillia (MBA.90), President, and Delphine Colson (H.94), Executive Director of the HEC Foundation.
The evening was an opportunity to share the recent achievements and latest news of HEC Paris and to reiterate the School’s strategic projects for the coming years. The Dean of the School and President of the Foundation thanked the community for their engagement, emphasizing the vital role of philanthropy for a non-profit institution such as HEC. 2016 saw the end of funding from the Chamber of Commerce and the School must now operate solely on its own funds, while continuing to invest in the growth and diversity of its student body. Zachary Carreau (H.26), a Foundation scholarship student for his preparatory course and then on campus, was also present to share his story with donors and offer an illustration of the tangible impact donations have had on his personal path. His moving testimony highlighted the School’s equal opportunity programs and actions in place upstream and on campus.
As the Impact tomorrow fundraising campaign draws to an end in November, the Foundation President called on the community to pursue its collective efforts to reach and even exceed the €200 million target, and thus end the campaign on a high note!