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Over 400 students took part in the Class Gift 2024 gala evening, an emotional occasion where the latest batch of graduates celebrated the culmination of an experience they will never forget: the years spent at HEC Paris. The event also provided an opportunity for departing graduates to make their ...
The support and generosity of donors and corporate partners enable the School to carry out its mission for the public interest in accordance with its non-profit status. Thanks to their support, the Foundation provided €14.2 million to HEC in 2023 to fund the School’s key projects.
On Monday, April 15, nearly 80 members of the Swiss Alumni community, representatives of international organizations, HEC students, and staff gathered at the French Residence in Geneva to highlight the HEC Imagine Fellows program.
With numerous events organized by the HEC London office, run by Delphine Mourot (H.03); the Friends of HEC Charitable Trust, presided by Gaël Dutheil de la Rochère (H.88), and the Foundation’s UK Campaign Committee, managed by Mathieu Gaveau (H.98), UK donors represent the largest overseas ...
Last October, HEC’s iconic Blondeau Amphitheater was completely destroyed by a fire. The School has decided not to simply rebuild it, but to reinvent a bigger, better, more legendary auditorium, with the support of the HEC community.
This year, more than 450 donors, graduates, friends of HEC, corporate partners, students and employees gathered at the Salle Gaveau in Paris with Delphine Colson (H.94), Executive Director of the Foundation, to celebrate the collective progress of the School and the programs supported through the ...
In September, the Foundation invites scholarship students to participate in an award ceremony. It is a moment of pride for them, but also a moment of sharing and inspiration alongside donors who bear witness to the importance of giving back to the School.
More than 450 students from the HEC Paris Class of 2023 came together in the Hall of Honor on June 8, the eve of their Commencement Ceremony, for the Class Gift event. This was a joyful moment for the fresh graduates who celebrated the end of their campus years and the spirit of solidarity dear to ...
Some HEC Paris community representatives recently paid tribute to the memory of Philippe Foriel-Destezet, Major Donor and Testator of the Foundation, by planting a tulip tree with a commemorative plaque on the campus grounds.
We are delighted to share with you the HEC Foundation’s annual report, which presents the past year’s highlights and collective triumphs. We would like to warmly thank all individual donors and sponsoring firms for their generosity!