Program Overview
HEC Paris and Stockholm School of Economics have combined their expertise to craft this international program on Sustainability.
Indeed the transition towards sustainable development is considered our time’s greatest challenge. Climate change, biodiversity loss, population growth, urbanization, geopolitics and inequality are increasingly impacting or being impacted by our socio-economic and ecological systems. This short program aims to introduce our major sustainability challenges and contextualize sustainable business strategies in line with the transformation being called for. Our program is science-based with a global outlook illuminating the complexities over time and space, and beyond simple solutions to multi-stakeholder perspectives and systems transformation.
Identifying the major sustainability challenges
The program is aimed at :
Managers and Leaders who drive change projects, and who will have to meet the major challenges of the future, manage change, transform organizations, and reinvent ways of collaborating to create greater economic, societal and environmental efficiency.
* Net price, HEC Paris is not subject to VAT. Prices, dates, faculty, and program content are subject to change.
Understand our main global sustainability challenges, their interlinkages, sysnergies and trade-offs between the E, S & G as they relate to sustainable business strategies
Understand multi-stakeholder perspectives in designing sustainable business strategies and double materiality according to transnational policy, norms, regulations and directives (UN; OECD; EU)
Understand expectations on responsible global supply chains in a circular economy perspective.
Understand the opportunities and challenges of innovation to provide solutions to sustainability challenges
As covered by the UN Sustainable Development Goals, global sustainability challenges include both natural world and social world challenges that are aimed to be indivisible and must all be realized for sustainable development. This program will give you a good idea as to the interlinkages between the goals but also the complexity involved in time and space that has led so many of the goals to be labeled as “wicked problems”.
Climate change and biodiversity loss are the most common point of departure for sustainability focus in the Global North. The Planetary Boundaries concept was first introduced in 2009 by researchers at the Stockholm Resilience Center. It defines the 9 environmental limits within which humanity can safely operate and has been influential in global policy making.
Academic directors
Learning methods
Very diverse learning methods characterize the program : theory, practical cases, exercises, simulations, application within your own company, sharing of practices, co-development, company visits... Before the module, an equivalent of one day preparation will be required (readings and videos).
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Funding options
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