Global Executive Master In Management (GEMM) - Major in strategic management - paris Global Executive Master In Management (GEMM) - Major in strategic management - paris
Program Overview
In your role as a current or future senior manager, learn how to master all the necessary tools to define and implement an original strategy that creates value. Successfully manage its deployment in a volatile and uncertain environment by taking into account all the key stakeholders - customers, employees, suppliers, shareholders and the natural and social environment.
Develop your personal leadership skills and galvanize the talent of your teams to innovate by capitalizing on the digital revolution and the challenges of energy transition.
Executive Master in Management- Strategic management
The program is aimed at:
Company directors and strategic business unit managers, operational or functional directors or managers planning to take charge of a strategic business unit in the short or medium-term, entrepreneurs with short or medium-term plans to take over or create a company.
* Net price, HEC Paris is not subject to VAT. Prices, dates, faculty, and program content are subject to change.
Video presentation of the program
The GEMM program and its specialized major
The program is composed of 3 Executive Certificates and a professional thesis:
- MUST Management d’une Unité Stratégique Abidjan (common certificate for all GEMM Majors)
- Stratégie et performance Abidjan
- Innovation et Leadership Abidjan
Writing and defending a professional thesis, with the support of an HEC Paris tutor, concludes the program.
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Certifications et éligibilité du programme
RNCP1 : Directeur d'unité stratégique (fiche RNCP 38435; date d'enregistrement au RNCP : 20/12/2023; certificateur : HEC Paris)
1Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles
Programme éligible à la VAE
Analyze the situation of a strategic unit and develop a responsible strategy
Manage the strategy of a business unit and optimize its responsible performance
Lead teams and manage innovative projects within a learning and value-creating organization
Academic director
Learning methods
The learning approach revolves around conceptual and methodological input, which the participants appropriate through individual work, sharing experiences with the other participants, business case studies, simulations, an interactive business game and practical application in the form of concrete individual projects. Developing and writing a professional thesis, with the support of an HEC Paris tutor, concludes the program.
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Funding options
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