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M2 : Objectives

The M2 year is vital for tailoring your experience and skills. Here you will use the skills and broad knowledge acquired in your first year to make important decisions about your career moving forward. Over 20 specializations exist to choose from, each equipping you with a gold-standard of knowledge and skills in order to enter directly into this field with ease.

The second year of studies consists of a specialized curriculum (approximately 350 hours or 40 ECTS credits) and a research paper (20 ECTS credits) and to a portfolio of 11 optional certificates at the end of M2.

Students have access to 7 groups of specializations, which lead to 7 different Grande Ecole master’s degrees.


Students have access to a wide range of specializations in Management. Most of our specializations are fully taught in English (more specific languages requirements are clearly indicated when necessary) and award our graduates with the HEC Master in Management Degree.

Specializations in Management offered on the HEC campus

Students in the Prépa INSP major join the CIPCEA training center for competitive administrative examinations. Delivered by Paris1 and ENS, this program prepares students for the Ecole Nationale d'Administration competitive entrance examination and other A+ category examinations (Assemblées, INET, DH, Banque de France, Quai d'Orsay, etc.). These are the competitive examinations that give access to the highest positions in the administrations of the State, local authorities, and other public services.

The M2 Prépa INSP is an intensive year of preparatory classes, which focus on a wide range of subjects: public law, economics, general culture, public finance, social issues, European issues, international issues, and English.

This major enables students to prepare for competitive administrative examinations within a rigorous framework that has proved its worth for over a decade, and to obtain a Master 2 in public administration. 

The academic year runs from September to May. Between 30 and 50 hours of lessons are given each week, as well as training for the competitive exams. Students then choose which competitive examinations they wish to take, which are organized throughout the year. The ENA entrance exam is held in August.

Two exam sessions are organized in December and May. Students must pass their Master 2 in order to complete their final year at HEC Paris.

Specializations in Management offered within the CEMS Alliance

CEMS-logoCo-founded in 1988 by HEC and three other leading European Universities, CEMS is a global alliance including 33 world-class academic institutions, 70 world-renowned multinational companies and 7 NGOs. CEMS promotes a uniquely high standard of education in management and unites the best schools in their pursuit of training the leaders of tomorrow.

In addition to their HEC degree, students obtain a diploma from the CEMS alliance, which is highly coveted by employers worldwide.

The CEMS community is rich in cultural diversity, with 15,000 graduates heralding from 108 different countries. They hold managerial positions of high responsibility in a broad range of industry sectors, across Europe and beyond.

MIM-CEMS Joint Degree is mainly available to students specializing in International Business. There are also certain places available to students specializing in Accounting & Financial Management  and Managerial and Financial Economics.

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Specializations in Management offered with our partners

There are two options available to our students:

These two options award our graduates with the HEC Master in Management & Business Law degree.

There are 5 options available to our students. Each of these options awards our graduates with the HEC Master in Management & Public Affairs degree.

This specialization awards our graduates with the HEC Master in Management, Media, Arts & Creation degree.

  • Double Degree in «Sciences cognitives» with Ecole Normale Supérieure Ulm, EHESS and Paris V - René-Descartes (taught in French)

This specialization awards our graduates with the HEC Master in Management & Cognitive Science degree.

  • Double Degree with the "Centre Français du Journalisme" (taught in French)

This specialization awards our graduates with the HEC Master in Management & Journalism degree.


Our Master in Management has been awarded both the Visa and Grade of Master, and has been accredited by the French Ministry of Education through the CEFDG (Commission d’Evaluation des Formations et Diplômes de Gestion) to be entitled to grant a Master’s degree (Bac + 5), equivalent to a total of 120 ECTS. 

This program is accredited to grant a Master’s degree under European Standards and, by extension, are registered on RNCP (Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles)

See the RNCP document for MIM/PGE


Sponsored by a company, Certificates are a set of interdisciplinary courses corresponding to approximately 100 contact hours as well as business projects and other types of field work related to a given sector. Each student selected (in the 1st semester) for a certificate will be awarded an additional HEC certificate if he/she validates all the requirements of the course.